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Population of Region VI - Western Visayas (Based on the 2015 Census of Population)

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2016-070
  • The population of Region VI (Western Visayas) as of August 1, 2015 was 4,477,247 based on the 2015 Census of Population (POPCEN 2015).

Table 1. Population of Region VI - Western Visayas
(Based on the 2000, 2010, and 2015 Censuses)

Census Year Census Reference Date Population
(in millions)
2000 May 1, 2000 3.65
2010 May 1, 2010 4.19
2015 August 1, 2015 4.48
  • The 2015 population of the region is higher by 282,668 compared with the population of 4.19 million in 2010, and by 831,932 compared with the population of 3.65 million in 2000.  Refer to Table 1.
  • The population of Region VI increased by 1.25 percent annually, on average, during the period 2010 to 2015. By comparison, the rate at which the region’s population grew during the period 2000 to 2010 was higher at 1.41 percent. See Table 2.
Table 2. Annual Population Growth Rate:
Region VI - Western Visayas
(Based on the 2000, 2010, and 215 Censuses)
Reference Period Annual Population Growth Rate
(in percent)
2010-2015 1.25
2000-2010 1.41
  • Among the five provinces comprising the region, Iloilo (excluding Iloilo City) had the biggest population in 2015 with 1.94 million, followed by Capiz with 761 thousand, Antique with 582 thousand, and Aklan with 575 thousand. Guimaras had the smallest population with 175 thousand. Refer to Table 3.
  • Iloilo City, the only highly urbanized city in the region posted a population of 448 thousand.
  • The total population of Region VI accounted for about 4.4 percent of the Philippine population in 2015. 
Table 3. Population by Province/Highly Urbanized City: 
Region VI - Western Visayas 
(Based on the 2000, 2010, and 2015 Censuses)
Province/Highly Urbanized City Population (in thousands)
2000 2010 2015
Aklan 451 536 575
Antique 473 546 582
Capiz 654 720 761
Guimaras 141 163 175
Iloilo (excluding Iloilo City) 1,559 1,806 1,936
Iloilo City 366 425 448
  • Aklan was the fastest growing province in the region with an average annual population growth rate (PGR) of 1.35 percent during the period 2010 to 2015. It was followed by Iloilo (excluding Iloilo City) with a PGR of 1.34 percent, Guimaras (1.33 percent), and Antique (1.22 percent). Capiz posted the lowest provincial PGR of 1.08 percent. See Table 4.
  • Iloilo City posted a PGR of 1.02 percent.
Table 4. Annual Population Growth Rate by Province/Highly Urbanized City: 
Region VI - Western Visayas 
(Based on the 2000, 2010, and 2015 Censuses)
Province/Highly Urbanized City Population Growth Rate
2010-2015 2000-2010
Aklan 1.35 1.73
Antique 1.22 1.45
Capiz 1.08 0.96
Guimaras 1.33 1.42
Iloilo (excluding Iloilo City) 1.34 1.48
Iloilo City 1.02 1.49
  • Region VI is composed of one highly urbanized city, two component cities, 98 municipalities, and 3,389 barangays.
  • Among the cities (excluding Iloilo City) and municipalities in the region, the largest in terms of population size is Roxas City, Capiz with 167,003 persons. It was followed by Oton, Iloilo (89,115) and Kalibo, Aklan (80,605). The rest of the top ten most populous cities/municipalities in Region VI are all located in the province of Iloilo. Refer to Table 5.
Table 5. Top Ten Most Populous Cities*/Municipalities: Region VI - Western Visayas, 2015
Rank City/Municipality Province Population
1 Roxas City Capiz 167,003
2 Oton Iloilo 89,115
3 Kalibo Aklan 80,605
4 City of Passi Iloilo 80,544
5 Pototan Iloilo 75,070
6 Lambunao Iloilo 73,640
7 Dumangas Iloilo 69,108
8 Carles Iloilo 68,160
9 Miagao Iloilo 67,565
10 Janiuay Iloilo 63,905

                      * Excluding Iloilo City

  • Belizon in Antique is the least populous city/municipality in Region VI with 13,539 persons. It was followed by Bingawan in Iloilo (15,199) and Lezo in Aklan (15,224). See Table 6.
Table 6. Ten Least Populous Cities*/Municipalities:
Region VI - Western Visayas, 2015
Rank City/Municipality Province Population
1 Belison Antique 13,539
2 Bingawan Iloilo 15,199
3 Lezo Aklan 15,224
4 Libertad Antique 16,429
5 San Rafael Iloilo 16,532
6 Sebaste Antique 17,907
7 Madalag Aklan 18,389
8 Buruanga Aklan 19,003
9 Valderrama Antique 19,124
10 Anini-y Antique 21,201

                                       * Excluding Iloilo City

  • Of the 3,389 barangays in Region VI, the largest in terms of population size is Calumpang in Iloilo City, Iloilo with 15,150 persons. It was followed by Manoc-Manoc in Malay, Aklan (14,810) and Andagaw in Kalibo, Aklan (12,703). Refer to Table 7.
Table 7. Top Ten Most Populous Barangays: Region VI - Western Visayas, 2015
Rank Barangay City/Municipality/Province Population
1 Calumpang Iloilo City, Iloilo 15,150
2 Manoc-Manoc Malay, Aklan 14,810
3 Andagaw Kalibo, Aklan 12,703
4 Semirara Caluya, Antique 12,434
5 Balabag Malay, Aklan 12,296
6 San Juan Iloilo City, Iloilo 11,891
7 Poblacion Kalibo, Aklan 11,751
8 San Isidro (Jaro) Iloilo City, Iloilo 10,609
9 So-oc Iloilo City, Iloilo 10,439
10 Buswang New Kalibo, Aklan 10,431


Download: Total Population by City, Municipality, and Barangay of Region VI - Western Visayas