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Tawi-Tawi Posted an Annual Population Growth Rate of 4.7 Percent (Results from the 2007 Census of Population)

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2010-129


Total population increased by 128,029 persons

The total population of Tawi-Tawi was 450,346 persons as of August 1, 2007, based on the v2007 Census of Population. This figure is higher by 128,029 persons than the population count of 322,317 persons in 2000. The population count of the province for the census years 2000 and 2007 translated to an average annual population growth rate of 4.7 percent.

The number of households reached 77,052, or 22,707 households more than the number reported in 2000. The average household size in 2007 was 5.8 persons, lower than the average household size of 5.9 persons in 2000.


Bongao was the most populated municipality

Among the 11 municipalities in Tawi-Tawi, the municipality of Bongao, the provincial capital, was the most populated with 21.1 percent share to the total provincial population. This was followed by the municipalities of Languyan (11.4 percent) and Panglima Sugala (11.2 percent). The municipality of Turtle Islands (1.4 percent) had the least share of population.

Sex ratio was 100 males per 100 females

Of the 449,291 household population in Tawi-Tawi, 50.1 percent were females and 49.9 percent were males, or a sex ratio of 100 males for every 100 females. In 2000, the sex ratio was 99 males per 100 females.

Median age was 17 years

In 2007, the household population of Tawi-Tawi had a median age of 17 years, which means that half of the household population were below 17 years old. The median age recorded in 2000 was 18 years.

Children in age group 5 to 9 years comprised the largest proportion (15.5 percent), followed by those in age group 0 to 4 years (14.7 percent).


Males dominated the age group 5-9 years and ages 35 to 79 years. Females outnumbered males in the youngest age group (0 to 4 years), the oldest group (80 years and over), and ages 10 to 34 years.

About half of the household population were of voting ages

Of the 449,291 household population of Tawi-Tawi, 224,476 were in the voting age group (18 years old and over), comprising about 50.0 percent of the household population. The distribution of voting-age population by sex showed that females (50.2 percent) outnumbered the males (49.8 percent).

Overall dependency ratio increased to 81 dependents per 100 persons in the working age group

The proportion of household population in the working age group (15 to 64 years) was 55.3 percent, young dependents (0 to 14 years) comprised 43.0 percent, while old dependents (65 years and over) accounted for 1.7 percent.

The overall dependency ratio in 2007 was 81, which means that for every 100 persons in the working age group, there were about 81 dependents (78 young dependents and 3 old dependents). This ratio grew from 73 dependents (71 young and 2 old dependents) per 100 persons in the working-age population in 2000. The rise in the overall dependency ratio could be explained by the marked increase in the number of young dependents.

Married persons outnumbered never-married persons

Of the household population 10 years old and over in 2007, 48.3 percent were married while 47.3 percent were never married. Less than 5.0 percent were in the other marital status categories, that is, widowed (2.9 percent), divorced/separated (0.7 percent), had common law/live-in marital arrangement (0.3 percent), and with unknown marital status (0.5 percent). Males outnumbered females among the never married population (51.1 percent) and those who had common law/live-in marital status (51.7 percent). There were more females than males in the rest of the categories for marital status.

Higher levels of education for males than females

Of the household population 5 years old and over, 37.6 percent had attended or finished elementary education while 23.1 percent had reached or completed high school. The proportion of academic degree holders was 4.5 percent, notably higher compared to the proportion reported in 2000 (1.1 percent).

More males than females had attained higher levels of education, as majority of those with academic degrees (50.7 percent) and those with post baccalaureate courses (60.2 percent) were males.

Among the household population 5 to 24 years old, 55.6 percent had attended school at anytime during School Year 2007 to 2008. School attendance among males (55.6 percent of the total males aged 5 to 24 years) and females (55.5 percent of the total females aged 5 to 24 years) was almost the same during the said school year.

Occupied housing units increased by 31.3 percent

The number of occupied housing units in 2007 reached 69,541, indicating an increase of 31.3 percent from the 52,964 occupied housing units reported in 2000. The average number of households for every 100 occupied housing units was 111; higher than the ratio of 103 households per 100 occupied housing units reported in 2000. The number of persons per occupied housing unit in 2007 was 6.5, slightly lower than the ratio of 6.1 persons per occupied housing unit recorded in 2000.

Majority of the occupied housing units had outer walls made of wood

The majority of the housing units in Tawi-Tawi had outer walls made of wood (73.9 percent). This was followed by those with outer walls made of bamboo/sawali/cogon/nipa (17.6 percent) and concrete/brick/stone (5.6 percent). Use of wood as material for the outer walls increased by 6.4 percentage points from 67.5 percent in 2000.

On the other hand, the proportion of occupied housing units with roofs made of galvanized iron/aluminum increased from 52.2 percent in 2000 to 61.5 percent in 2007. Use of cogon/nipa/anahaw as materials for the roof was 35.9 percent, lower from the 2000 figure of 38.3 percent.






  Source:  Household Statistics Department
                   National Statistics Office
                   Manila, Philippines