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Surigao Del Sur Exceeded Half A Million Population (Results from the 2007 Census of Population)

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2010-135


Total population increased by 44,094 persons

The province of Surigao del Sur had a total population of 545,902 persons as of August 1, 2007, based on the 2007 Census of Population. This figure is higher by 44,094 persons than the population count of 501,808 persons reported in 2000. The increase in population count for the period 2000 to 2007 translated to an annual population growth rate of 1.17 percent.

Likewise, the household population of Surigao del Sur increased, from 501,135 persons in 2000 to 545,110 persons in 2007. The number of households, meanwhile, grew by 13.8 percent from 94,028 in 2000 to 107,004 in 2007. The average household size in 2007 was 5.1 persons, slightly lower than the average household size of 5.3 persons recorded in 2000.

City of Bislig had the largest population

Among the two cities and 17 municipalities in Surigao del Sur, the City of Bislig was the most populous with 18.7 percent of the provincial total population. It was followed by the City of Tandag, the provincial capital (9.2 percent), and the municipalities of Barobo (7.5 percent), Hinatuan (6.8 percent), Tagbina (6.7 percent), and San Miguel (6.0 percent). The rest of the municipalities had a share of less than 6.0 percent each.


Males continued to outnumber females

Of the 545,110 household population in 2007, males accounted for 51.3 percent while females comprised 48.7 percent. These figures resulted in a sex ratio of 105 males for every 100 females. The sex ratio posted in 2000 was 104 males per 100 females.

Median age increased to 20 years

In 2007, the median age of the household population in the province was 20 years, which means that half of the household population was younger than 20 years old. This median age is higher than the median age of 18 years recorded in 2000.

Children aged 10 to 14 years comprised the largest age group, comprising 13.0 percent of the total household population; followed by age groups 5 to 9 years (12.6 percent), 0 to 4 years (12.3 percent), and 15 to 19 years (11.2 percent). The rest of the age groups had a share of less than 8.0 percent each.


There were more males than females in age groups 0 to 64 years. On the other hand, females outnumbered males in the older age groups (65 years and over).

More than half of the household population were of voting age

The voting age population (18 years old and over) of the province was 298,418 in 2007, accounting for 54.7 percent of the total household population. The voting age population recorded in 2000 comprised 51.8 percent. Males of voting age (51.3 percent) outnumbered females (48.7 percent).

Dependency ratio decreased to 75 dependents per 100 persons in the working age group

More than half (57.3 percent) of the household population belonged to the working-age population (15 to 64 years). Young dependents (under 15 years) comprised 37.9 percent while old dependents (65 years and over) accounted for 4.8 percent.

The overall dependency ratio of the household population in the province in 2007 was 75, down from 82 dependents per 100 persons in the working age group in 2000. This means that for every 100 persons in the working-age population in 2007, there were 75 dependents (66 young dependents and 9 old dependents).

More never-married males than females

Of the household population 10 years old and over in 2007, married persons accounted for 44.0 percent while never-married persons comprised 44.6 percent. The rest of the population was categorized as follows: widowed (4.7 percent), divorced/separated (0.9 percent), had common law/live-in marital arrangement (5.4 percent), and had no report on marital status (0.4 percent). Among never-married persons, 55.8 percent were males while 44.2 percent were females. Males were outnumbered by females in the rest of the categories for marital status.

Females attained higher levels of education

About 44.0 percent of the household population 5 years old and over had attended or completed elementary education, 30.5 percent had reached or finished high school, 6.3 percent were college undergraduates, and another 6.3 percent were academic degree holders.

Among those with academic degrees, females (59.5 percent) outnumbered males (40.5 percent). Similarly, more females (62.2 percent) pursued post baccalaureate courses than males (37.8 percent).

Approximately 66.0 percent of the household population 5 to 24 years old had attended school at anytime during School Year 2007 to 2008. Of the total females aged 5 to 24 years, 68.0 percent had attended school at anytime during the said school year, while school attendance for males was 64.1 percent of the total males aged 5 to 24 years.

Number of occupied housing units increased to 106,142

In 2007, there were 106,142 occupied housing units in Surigao del Sur, or 14.7 percent higher than the 92,575 occupied housing units recorded in 2000. A ratio of 101 households per 100 occupied housing units was recorded in 2007, slightly lower than the ratio of 102 households per 100 occupied housing units reported in 2000. Moreover, the number of persons per occupied housing unit was 5.1 persons in 2007, lower than the ratio of 5.4 persons per occupied housing unit recorded in 2000.

Majority of occupied housing units used wood for outer walls and cogon/nipa/anahaw for roof

Occupied housing units with outer walls made of wood comprised the highest proportion at 68.5 percent in 2007, or 1.5 percentage points lower than the proportion reported in 2000. The proportion of occupied housing units with outer walls made of concrete/brick/stone, meanwhile, increased from 7.4 percent in 2000 to 11.3 percent in 2007.

Further, majority (54.4 percent) of occupied housing units in 2007 had roofs made of cogon/nipa/anahaw. Households with roof made of galvanized iron/aluminum followed (41.5 percent), with an increase of 6.9 percentage points from 34.6 percent in 2000.







  Source:  Household Statistics Department
                   National Statistics Office
                   Manila, Philippines