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Total Population Of Camarines Norte Reached Over Half A Million (Results from the 2007 Census Of Population)

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2009-098
p align="JUSTIFY"bPopulation increased by 9.2 percent/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"The province of Camarines Norte had a total population of 513,785 persons as of August 1, 2007, an increase of 9.2 percent from the 470,654 persons reported in 2000. This increase translated to an annual population growth rate (PGR) of 1.22 percent during the period 2000 to 2007, which is 0.28 percentage point lower than the recorded PGR of 1.50 percent for the period 1995 to 2000./p p align="JUSTIFY"bDaet surpassed Labo in terms of population size/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"In 2007, Daet, the capital of Camarines Norte, was the biggest municipality in terms of population size, contributing 94,184 persons or 18.3 percent of the total population of the province. This was followed by Labo with 88,087 persons and Jose Panganiban with 49,028 persons. In 2000, the top three municipalities were Labo (81,388 persons), Daet (80,632 persons), and Jose Panganiban (46,064 persons). Meanwhile, San Vicente remained the smallest municipality in terms of population size in both census rounds with 8,984 persons in 2000 and 9,615 persons in 2007./p p align="center"img alt="Figure 1" src="" //p p align="JUSTIFY"bNumber of households increased by 16.2 percent/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"The household population of Camarines Norte in 2007 was 512,881 persons, an increase of 9.1 percent from 470,087 persons in 2000. Similarly, the number of households increased by 16.2 percent from 91,866 in 2000 to 106,747 in 2007. The average household size in 2007 was 4.8 persons, lower than the average household size of 5.1 persons in 2000./p p align="JUSTIFY"bSex ratio remained at 105 males per 100 females/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"There were more males (51.2 percent) than females (48.8 percent) in the province in 2007. The sex ratio was 105 males for every 100 females, the same sex ratio recorded in 2000/p p align="center"img alt="Figure 1" src="" //p p align="JUSTIFY"bMedian age still at 19 years/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"The median age of the household population of Camarines Norte in 2007 was computed at 19 years, which means that half of the household population were below 19 years old. The same median age was computed in 2000./p p align="JUSTIFY"Age group 5 to 9 years shared the highest proportion to the household population with 13.6 percent, followed closely by age group 10 to 14 years (13.2 percent), and age group 0 to 4 years (13.1 percent). There were more males than females in ages 0 to 54 years while more females than males were reported in ages 55 years and over./p p align="JUSTIFY"bMore than half were of voting age/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"About 53.4 percent of the household population of Camarines Norte were 18 years old and over. This was slightly higher by 0.5 percentage point from the proportion of voting-age population (52.9 percent) in 2000. There were more males (50.6 percent) than females (49.4 percent) in the voting-age population of the province in 2007./p p align="JUSTIFY"bAbout 79 dependents for every 100 persons in the working-age population/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"More than half (55.8 percent) of the household population belonged to the working-age population (15 to 64 years). About 39.9 percent were young dependents (under 15 years) while 4.3 percent were old dependents (65 years and over)./p p align="JUSTIFY"The overall dependency ratio in 2007 was 79 dependents (71 young and 8 old dependents) per 100 persons in the working-age population. Computed at 80 dependents per 100 persons in the working-age population in 2000, there was a decrease of 1 dependent for every 100 persons in the working-age population./p p align="JUSTIFY"bMarried persons comprised 45.2 percent of household population 10 years old and over/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"About 73.3 percent of the household population were 10 years old and over. From this segment of the household population, 45.2 percent were married while 42.8 percent were single. The remaining proportion were either widowed, divorced/separated, had common-law/live-in arrangement, or had unknown marital status. Among single persons, there were more males (56.6 percent) than females (43.4 percent). Females outnumbered males in the rest of the categories for marital status./p p align="JUSTIFY"In 2000, there were also higher proportion of married persons (45.4 percent) than single (43.1 percent). Among widowed and divorced/separated, females outnumbered the males. Males outnumbered their female counterparts in the categories for single, married, and those with common-law/live-in arrangement./p p align="JUSTIFY"bMore females among college degree holders/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"About 44.4 percent of the household population 5 years old and over had attended or completed elementary education, 32.7 had reached high school, 5.8 percent were academic degree holders, and 5.3 percent were college undergraduates. Among the academic degree holders, there were more females (60.9 percent) than males (39.1 percent)./p p align="JUSTIFY"bAbout two in every three persons 5 to 24 years old attended school/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"Of the household population 5 to 24 years old, about 65.3 percent had attended school during School Year 2007 to 2008. This means that about 1 in every 3 persons (34.7 percent) in the household population 5 to 24 years old did not attend school. Of those who had attended school, males were higher in number in almost all of the age groups, except in age group 15 to 19 years which had more female school attendees (8.5 percent) than males (8.0 percent)./p p align="JUSTIFY"bOccupied housing units increased by 16.9 percent/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"The occupied housing units in Camarines Norte increased by 16.9 percent from 90,838 in 2000 to 106,161 in 2007. There were 101 households per 100 occupied housing units, which was the same ratio computed in 2000. There were 4.8 persons per occupied housing unit in 2007, a decrease from the ratio of 5.2 persons per occupied housing unit in 2000./p p align="JUSTIFY"bProportion of occupied housing units with strong materials of roofs and walls increased/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"In 2007, about 36.2 percent of the occupied housing units had outer walls made of concrete/brick/stone while 52.2 percent had roofs made of galvanized iron/aluminum. On the other hand, in 2000, more occupied housing units used wood as material for the outer walls (33.9 percent) while galvanized iron/aluminum were mostly used for the roof (48.9 percent)./p p align="JUSTIFY"About 32.3 percent of the occupied housing units had walls made of concrete/brick/stone and roof made of galvanized iron/aluminum. This implies an increase of 5.2 percentage points from the proportion of occupied housing units in 2000, which had the same construction materials (27.1 percent) for outer walls and roof./p p align="JUSTIFY"bMajority of households lived in owned or amortized lots/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"In 2007, a total of 58,176 households (54.5 percent) owned or amortized the lots they occupied, 38,049 households (35.6 percent) had an arrangement of rent-free with consent of owner, while 8,645 households (8.1 percent) rented their lots./p p align="JUSTIFY" /p p style="text-align: -webkit-left; " /p table border="0" width="100%" tbody tr td colspan="80%" /td td align="CENTER" nowrap="nowrap"(Sgd.) bCARMELITA N. ERICTA/bbr / Administrator/td /tr /tbody /table hr width="100%" / p align="center"img alt="Table 1" src="" //p p align="center"img alt="Table 2" src="" //p p align="center"img alt="Table 2" src="" //p p align="center"img alt="Table 2" src="" //p p align="center"img alt="Table 2" src="" //p p align="center"img alt="Table 2" src="" //p p align="center"img alt="Technical Notes" src="" /br /  /p div style="text-align: -webkit-left;" /div hr width="100%" / p /p p  iSource:/ib  Household Statistics Departmentbr /                National Statistics Officebr /                Manila, Philippines/b/p p /p