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Population of Negros Occidental Grew at 1.44 Percent Annually (Results from the 2007 Census of Population)

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2010-037
p align="JUSTIFY"bTotal population rose to 2,370,269 persons/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"Negros Occidental (excluding Bacolod City) posted a total population of 2,370,269 persons, as of August 1, 2007. This figure represents an increase of 233,622 persons over the total population of 2,136,647 persons in 2000. The annual population growth rate recorded for the period 2000 to 2007 was 1.44 percent, higher by 0.36 percentage point from the 1.08 percent annual population growth rate during the period 1995 to 2000./p p align="JUSTIFY"The number of households also rose to 473,343, an increase of 57,121 households over the 2000 figure (416,222). The average household size in 2007 was 5.0 persons, lower than the 5.1 average household size in 2000./p p align="JUSTIFY"bCity of Kabankalan was the most populous/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"Among the 12 cities and 19 municipalities of Negros Occidental, the City of Kabankalan, had the biggest population comprising 7.0 percent of the total population of the province. Bago City, Cadiz City, and Sagay City followed with 6.7 percent, 6.4 percent and 5.9 percent, respectively. The least populated was the municipality of Candoni with 0.9 percent share in the total population of the province./p p align="center"img alt="Figure 1" src="" //p p align="JUSTIFY"bSex ratio increased to 106/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"In 2007, there were more males (1,218,737) than females (1,148,552) in Negros Occidental. These numbers resulted in a sex ratio of 106, which means that there were 106 males for every 100 females. In 2000, the sex ratio was 104 males for every 100 females./p p align="JUSTIFY"bMedian age was 20 years/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"Negros Occidental had a median age of 20 years, which means that half of the household population were below 20 years old. The same median age was recorded in 2000./p p align="center"img alt="Figure 2" src="" //p p align="JUSTIFY"The proportion of persons under 15 years old to total household population was 37.0 percent. The children 10 to 14 years old comprised the largest age group (12.8 percent)./p p align="JUSTIFY"The males outnumbered their female counterparts in the age bracket 0 to 59 years while females outnumbered the males among those aged 60 years and over./p p align="JUSTIFY"bMore than half of the population were of voting age/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"More than half (55.7 percent) of the household population belonged to the voting-age population (18 years and over). This is higher by 1.1 percentage points than the proportion of voting-age population (54.5 percent) recorded in 2000. Of the total voting-age population in 2007, there were more males (51.4 percent) than females (48.6 percent)./p p align="JUSTIFY"bDependency ratio down 72 dependents for every 100 persons of working ages/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"The proportion of young dependents (0 to 14 years) to total household population was 37.0 percent, while the old dependents (65 years and over) posted a share of 4.9 percent. On the other hand, the working-age population (15 to 64 years) accounted for 58.0 percent of the household population./p p align="JUSTIFY"The overall dependency ratio of Negros Occidental was 72.3. This means that there were about 72 dependents (64 young dependents and 8 old dependents) for every 100 persons of working ages. The overall dependency ratio in 2007 is lower than the overall dependency ratio of 75.0 in 2000./p p align="JUSTIFY"bThere were more males than females among the never-married persons/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"Of the household population 10 years old and over, there were 47.3 percent who were never-married and 43.9 percent who were married. The remaining 8.8 percent of the household population 10 years old and over in 2007 were either widowed, divorced/separated, in a common-law/live-in marital arrangement, or with no report on marital status./p p align="JUSTIFY"Among the never-married, males (56.2 percent) outnumbered females (43.8 percent). Meanwhile, females outnumbered males among those who were married, widowed, divorced/separated, and those in common law/live-in marital arrangements./p p align="JUSTIFY"bMore females than males attended higher levels of education/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"Of the household population five years old and over, 45.7 percent had attended or completed elementary education, 29.3 percent had reached or completed high school, and 5.1 percent had been college undergraduates. Academic degree holders accounted for 6.0 percent of the total household population five years old and over. This is 3.4 percentage points higher than the 2000 figure./p p align="JUSTIFY"There were more males than females who had attended or finished elementary (54.1 percent), or post secondary schools (52.9 percent). On the contrary, females outnumbered males among those who reached or finished high school (50.7 percent), college undergraduates (52.3 percent), academic degree holders (58.5 percent), and those with post baccalaureate courses (59.9 percent)./p p align="JUSTIFY"Of the total household population 5 to 24 years old, 64.0 percent attended school at anytime during School Year 2007 to 2008. There were more males (50.4 percent) than females (49.6 percent) who attended school during the said school year./p p align="JUSTIFY"bThere were 101 households per 100 occupied housing units/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"In 2007, there were 469,518 occupied housing units. This number is 14.7 percent higher than the 2000 figure of 409,486. There were 101 households for every 100 occupied housing units, and 5.0 persons per occupied housing unit reported in 2007. In 2000, there were 102 households for every 100 occupied housing units, and 5.2 persons per occupied housing unit./p p align="JUSTIFY"bMajority of occupied housing units had roofs made of strong materials/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"About 68 percent of occupied housing units in Negros Occidental had roofs made of galvanized iron/aluminum, higher than the proportion recorded in 2000 (61.0 percent). As to the construction materials of the outer walls, 42.2 percent of the occupied housing units had outer walls made of light materials such as bamboo, sawali, cogon, or nipa. This proportion is up by 2.2 percentage points from 40.0 percent in 2000./p p align="JUSTIFY" /p p style="text-align: -webkit-left; " /p table border="0" width="100%" tbody tr td colspan="80%" /td td align="CENTER" nowrap="nowrap"font face="Arial" size="-1"(Sgd.) bCARMELITA N. ERICTA/bbr / Administrator/font/td /tr /tbody /table p /p hr width="100%" / p /p p align="center"img alt="Table 1" src="" //p p align="center"img alt="Table 2" src="" //p p align="center"img alt="Table 2" src="" //p p align="center"img alt="Table 2" src="" //p p align="center"img alt="Table 2" src="" //p p align="center"img alt="Table 2" src="" //p p align="center"img alt="Technical Notes" src="" /br /  /p p align="right" /p div style="text-align: -webkit-left;" /div p  iSource:/ib  Household Statistics Departmentbr /                National Statistics Officebr /                Manila, Philippines/b/p