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Cebu City Recorded a Population of 799,762 Persons (Results from the 2007 Census of Population)

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2010-007
p align="JUSTIFY"bPopulation increased by 80,941 persons/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"Cebu City had a total population of 799,762 persons as of August 1, 2007, which was larger by 11.3 percent compared to the census count of 718,821 persons as of May 1, 2000. These figures translated to an annual population growth rate of 1.48 percent for the period 2000 to 2007./p p align="JUSTIFY"The household population of Cebu City in 2007 was 791,697 persons, an increase of 10.8 percent from 714,509 persons in 2000. The number of households, meanwhile, increased by 20.1 percent from 147,600 in 2000 to 177,197 in 2007. The average household size in 2007 was 4.5 persons, lower than the average household size of 4.8 persons in 2000./p p align="JUSTIFY"bBarangay Guadalupe remained at the top in terms of population size/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"Among the 80 barangays of Cebu City, barangay Guadalupe had the biggest population size in 2007, comprising 6.0 percent of the total population of the city. This was followed by barangays Lahug (4.6 percent) and Basak San Nicolas (4.2 percent). These were also the top three barangays in the city in 2000 in terms of population size. Barangay Kalubihan (0.1 percent) remained at the bottom in 2007./p p align="center" /p p align="JUSTIFY"bSex ratio at 96 males per 100 females/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"There were more females than males in the city in 2007 with a sex ratio of 96 males for every 100 females. The same sex ratio was recorded in 2000./p p align="JUSTIFY"bMedian age increased to 23 years/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"In 2007, the median age of the household population of the city was 23 years, which means that half of the household population were below 23 years old. This is higher when compared to median age of 22 years in 2000./p p align="JUSTIFY"Children in the ages 0 to 4 years accounted for 10.8 percent of the total household population; those in age groups 5 to 9 years and 10 to 14 years comprised 10.0 percent and 9.6 percent, respectively. Together, the age group 0 to 14 years comprised 30.3 percent of the household population. On the other hand, the proportions of age groups 15 to 19 years and 20 to 24 years were recorded at 11.9 percent and 11.2 percent, respectively. These figures are higher as compared to the younger age groups, probably because Cebu City is a highly urbanized city where students and workers from other places tend to migrate to./p p align="JUSTIFY"There were more males than females in age groups under 15 years, while females outnumbered their male counterparts in the rest of the age brackets./p p align="JUSTIFY"bSixty-three percent were of voting age/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"The size of the voting-age population (18 years old and over) of Cebu City in 2007 was 497,219 accounting for about 62.8 percent of the household population. The voting-age population recorded in 2000 was 434,342 or 60.8 percent of the household population. The females outnumbered the males as they comprised 52.0 percent of the total voting population in 2007./p p align="JUSTIFY"bDependents decreased to 51 persons per 100 persons in the working-age population/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"About two-thirds (66.1 percent) of the household population belonged to the working-age population (15 to 64 years). The young dependents (under 15 years) comprised 30.3 percent and the old dependents (65 years and over), 3.6 percent./p p align="JUSTIFY"The overall dependency ratio of Cebu City in 2007 was 51.3, down from 57.1 in 2000. This means that for every 100 persons in the working-age population in 2007, there were 51 dependents (46 young dependents and 5 old dependents)./p p align="JUSTIFY"bThere were more females in all marital status categories/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"Of the household population 10 years old and over, 48.2 percent were never-married while 40.2 percent were married. The remaining proportion were either widowed, divorced/separated, had common-law/live-in marital arrangement, or with no report on marital status. Females outnumbered their male counterparts in all of the categories for marital status./p p align="JUSTIFY"bMore female academic-degree holders than males/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"Approximately 27 percent of the household population 5 years old and over had attended or completed elementary education, 32.5 percent had reached or finished high school, 12.9 percent were college undergraduates, and 14.6 percent were academic-degree holders./p p align="JUSTIFY"Meanwhile, there were more female academic-degree holders (52.8 percent) than males (47.2 percent). Similarly, among those persons with post baccalaureate degrees, there were more females than males (51.6 percent females and 48.4 percent males)./p p align="JUSTIFY"bThree in five attended school/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"More than three-fifths (60.7 percent) of the household population 5 to 24 years old attended school during School Year 2007 to 2008. School attendance was higher among males (50.8 percent) than among females (49.2 percent) during the said school year./p p align="JUSTIFY"bOccupied housing units increased by 20.1 percent/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"In 2007, there were 171,040 occupied housing units in Cebu City. This is 20.1 percent higher than the number of occupied housing units recorded in 2000. A ratio of 104 households per 100 occupied housing units was recorded in 2007. The same ratio was observed in 2000. Moreover, the number of persons per occupied housing unit was 4.6 persons in 2007, lower than the ratio of 5.0 persons per occupied housing unit in 2000./p p align="JUSTIFY"bMost of the housing units have outer walls made of half concrete/brick/stone and half wood, and roofs made of galvanized iron/aluminum/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"Among the 171,040 occupied housing units in Cebu City, 39.0 percent had outer walls made of half concrete/brick/stone and half wood, while 92.8 percent had roofs made of galvanized iron/aluminum. In 2000, the largest proportion of occupied housing units had outer walls made of wood (35.2 percent), while most had roofs made of galvanized iron/aluminum (88.2 percent)./p p align="JUSTIFY" /p p style="text-align: -webkit-left; " /p table border="0" width="100%" tbody tr td colspan="80%" /td td align="CENTER" nowrap="nowrap"(Sgd.) bCARMELITA N. ERICTA/bbr / Administrator/td /tr /tbody /table p /p hr width="100%" / p /p p align="right" /p p  iSource:/ib  font color="blue" size="-1"Household Statistics Departmentbr /                National Statistics Officebr /                Manila, Philippines/font/b/p