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Price Situationer of Selected Agricultural Commodities Second Phase of December 2023

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2023-SSO-249
  1. Rice, Well Milled

    At the national level, a kilogram of well milled rice had an average retail price of PhP 54.68 during the second phase of December 2023 (15 to 17 December 2023), higher than the average retail prices in the first phase of December 2023 (01 to 05 December 2023) at PhP 54.21 per kilogram and in the second phase of November 2023 (15 to 17 November 2023) at PhP 52.92 per kilogram. (Figure 1 and Table 1)


  1. Pork, Kasim

    A kilogram of pork kasim had an average retail price of PhP 322.72 during the second phase of December 2023. It an showed increment compared with its average retail prices of PhP 322.50 per kilogram in the first phase of December 2023 and PhP 321.31 per kilogram in the second phase of November 2023. (Figure 2 and Table 2)


  2. Tilapia

    A kilogram of tilapia in the country had an average retail price of PhP 167.10 during the second phase of December 2023, lower than the average retail prices of PhP 167.66 per kilogram in the first phase of December 2023 and PhP 167.49 per kilogram in the second phase of November 2023. (Figure 3 and Table 3)


  3. Tomato

    A kilogram of tomato had an average retail price of PhP 83.95 at the national level during the second phase of December 2023. This was lower relative to its price levels in the first phase of December 2023 at PhP 89.19 per kilogram and in the second phase of November 2023 at PhP 100.16 per kilogram. (Figure 4 and Table 4)


  1. Onion, Red

    An average retail price of PhP 206.81 per kilogram at the national level was reported for red onion during the second phase of December 2023. It went down from an average retail price of PhP 208.18 per kilogram in the first phase of December 2023. Meanwhile, this was higher relative to its price level in the second phase of November 2023 at PhP 192.18 per kilogram. (Figure 5 and Table 5)


  2. Mango, Carabao

    At the national level, a kilogram of mango carabao had an average retail price of PhP 178.33 during the second phase of December 2023, higher than its average retail price of PhP 177.84 per kilogram in the first phase of December 2023. On the other hand, this was lower compared with its price level in the second phase of November 2023 at PhP 179.44 per kilogram. (Figure 6 and Table 6)


  3. Brown Sugar

    At the national level, a kilogram of brown sugar had an average retail price of PhP 79.52 during the second phase of December 2023. This was lower than the average retail prices of PhP 80.00 per kilogram recorded in the first phase of December 2023, and PhP 80.85 per kilogram during the second phase of November 2023. (Figure 7 and Table 7)


Assistant Secretary
Deputy National Statistician
Sectoral Statistics Office


See more at the Price Situationer of Selected Agricultural Commodities (PSSAC) landing page

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