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Total Gross Revenue Index of industries grew by in the first quarter of 2011. However, this was lower than the growth registered in the previous year, as all of the sectors except Transportation and Communication reported slower growths during the…
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Total Gross Revenue Index of industries grew by in the third quarter of 2010 compared to the meager growth in the same quarter last year. Finance registered the highest growth at as banks, non-banks and insurance performed vigorously during the…
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Total Gross Revenue Index of industries soared to in the second quarter of 2010 as it recovered from a decline in the same quarter last year. Real Estate registered the highest growth at bolstered by high residential sales and high rental income…
Release Date:
Total Gross Revenue Index of industries accelerated to in the first quarter of 2010 from in the same quarter, a year ago. Manufacturing posted the fastest growth at from a decline of boosted by the strong performance of Petroleum Products and…