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PSA releases the 2022 Statistical Indicators on Philippine Development

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2023-240

The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) publishes the 2022 Statistical Indicators on Philippine Development (StatDev 2022). The StatDev is a statistical instrument that tracks the pace of progress and the likelihood of achieving the economic and social development goals set forth in the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2017-2022 and its corresponding Results Matrices, taking into account the midterm updates.

The StatDev 2022 presents an overview of the country's performance over the past six years featuring 493 regular indicators across 15 sectoral chapters of the Updated PDP and nine core indicators. In addition, for indicators with 2022 data, this report highlights if the end-of-plan target was hit or missed.

The StatDev 2022 reveals that the Philippines made progress in achieving some of its development goals, but there are still challenges ahead. In 2022, only four out of 15 sectoral chapters had average performance at the end of the plan period, while six out of nine core indicators met their planned targets.


A. Performance of the Core Indicators

Table 1 shows the latest data, headline and planned targets, and overall performance of the core indicators.

1. Gross Domestic Product growth rate          
The Philippine Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew at an annual rate of 7.6 percent in 2022 from 5.7 percent in 2021. This was the highest recorded growth rate since 2017, surpassing the end-of-plan target of 6.5 percent to 7.5 percent.

2. Gross National Income per capita growth rate          
Throughout the PDP plan period, annual growth rate of the Gross National Income (GNI) of the Philippines has been fluctuating.          
It started at 5.2 percent in 2017, and constantly decreasing until it recorded a negative growth rate of -12.7 percent in 2020 due to the unprecedented Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. However, it quickly recovered from 0.4 percent in 2021 to 8.5 percent in 2022, the highest rate reported in the past six years.

3. Unemployment rate          
The country’s unemployment rate was recorded at 5.4 percent in 2022, beating the end-of-plan target of 7.0 percent to 9.0 percent. The 2022 unemployment rate indicates a significant recovery from the 10.3 percent unemployment rate during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

4. Youth unemployment rate          
The target youth unemployment rate at the end of the plan period was also attained based on the latest data which was reported at 11.5 percent in 2022. This figure exceeded the planned goal of 20.5 percent to 22.5 percent. The youth unemployment rate recorded an average rate of 15.0 percent throughout the six-year plan period.

5. Underemployment rate in areas outside NCR          
The underemployment rate in areas outside the National Capital Region (NCR) went down by 1.7 percentage points from 16.7 percent in 2021 to 15.0 percent in 2022. Underemployed persons are employed persons who expressed desire to have additional hours of work in their present job or to have an additional job, or to have a new job with longer hours of work.

6. Subsistence incidence among population          
The subsistence incidence among population or the proportion of Filipinos whose income is not enough to meet even the basic food needs was recorded at 5.9 percent in 2021, hitting the projected target of 5.0 percent to 7.0 percent.

7. Poverty incidence among population          
The poverty incidence among population in 2021 was estimated at 18.1 percent or 19.99 million Filipinos living below the poverty line. This falls short of 0.6 percentage point to achieve the upper bound of the planned target, which ranges from 15.5 percent to 17.5 percent. Poverty incidence among population is defined as the proportion of Filipinos whose per capita income is not sufficient to meet their basic food and non-food needs.

8. Food Inflation          
Despite efforts toward keeping prices of food commodities stable, the consistent rise of food inflation at an annual average growth rate of 6.1 percent failed to meet the end-of-plan target of 2.0 percent to 4.0 percent.

9. Global Innovation Index rank          
The Philippines dropped its spot in the Global Innovation Index (GII) as it ranked 59th in 2022 from 51st in 2021 among 132 competing countries. Hence, the Philippines missed its target rank of top one-third by the end of plan period.


Table 1. Latest Data, Headline, and End-of-Plan Targets, and Overall Performance of Core Indicators

Core Indicators and Headline TargetsLatest dataEnd-of-Plan TargetOverall performance
1. GDP (growth rates) sustained



6.5 - 7.5
2. GNI per capita (growth rates) increased



5.0 - 6.0
3. Unemployment rate (%) decreased



7.0 - 9.0
4. Youth unemployment rate (%) decreased



20.5 - 22.5
5. Underemployment rate in areas outside NCR (%) decreased



15.5 - 17.5
6. Subsistence incidence among population (%) reduced



5.0 - 7.0
7. Poverty incidence among population (%) reduced



15.5 - 17.5
8. Food inflation (%) kept stable



2.0 - 4.0
9. Global Innovation Index (rank) improved

59 out of 132 economies


Top one-third


B. Overall Performance and Regular Indicators’ Performances


Overall performance 
At the end of the plan period, 39.4 percent of the 493 regular indicators monitored in StatDev 2022 demonstrated good performance in achieving the PDP end-of-plan targets. In particular, four out of 15 sectors had at least 50.0 percent of their indicators indicating average to good performance, while 11 sectors had at least 50.0 percent of their indicators exhibiting poor performance.

Maintaining the primary expenditure to GDP ratio above baseline and manageable outstanding National Government (NG) debt stock to GDP ratio were successful with additional 3.2 percentage points and 0.9 percentage point, respectively, compared to their respective end goal targets. In addition, the locally sourced Local Government Unit (LGU) income increased by PhP 278.60 billion in 2022, hitting way beyond the planned target of PhP 159.40 billion.

On the contrary, both utilization of local development fund and Special Education Fund (SEF) fell short of their end goals by 32.0 percentage points and 34.0 percentage points, respectively. Moreover, the USD 708.63 million target of the total sales generated from international trade fairs and business matching missions, either through traditional, digital, or hybrid platforms was unsuccessful with only USD 438.00 million total sales in 2022.

Demographic Dividend

The 25.0 percent in the adolescent (aged 15-19 years) birth rate per 1,000 women in that age group decreased in 2022, hitting the plan target of 37.0 percent ceiling. Additionally, the certification rate of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) for persons aged 15 to 24 years improved by 1.0 percentage point from 91.2 percent in 2021 to 92.2 percent in 2022, reaching its end goal of 92.0 percent. Likewise, the labor force participation rate of women exceeded 2022 target by 3.0 percentage points.

However, the planned target (5.0%) in the proportion of currently married women of reproductive age (aged 15-49 years) who have unmet need for modern family planning did not materialize with 23.9 percentage points gap.

Industry and Services

By the end of 2022, the Philippines aimed to create more economic opportunities in industry, including the digital economy. The Gross Value Added (GVA) growth rate in the industry sector reached a rate of 6.5 percent, completing its target between 6.3 percent to 7.3 percent.  Manufacturing GVA as a proportion of GDP also exceeded its planned target of 18.7 percent in 2022. Moreover, the number of Filipino trademarks registered reached 13,671, surpassing the end goal of 11,120.

However, the country lacks at least 0.3 percentage point of its target (8.3%-8.6%) for manufacturing employment as a proportion of total employment, which was only 8.0 percent in 2022. Additionally, the number of cooperatives that have graduated into small, medium, or large enterprises did not increase since 2018.

Science and Technology

The sector has been consistently surpassing most of their year-end targets from the past years. Among these ‘hits’ were increases in the numbers of Filipino patents granted, Filipino patents filed, collaborations between Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and industries, and STI-related international cooperations of HEIs.

Likewise, Global Innovation Index – Knowledge and Technology Outputs percentile rank hit the Top 33.0 percent end goal by being in the Top 31.0 percent in 2022.

However, increases in the number of Filipino utility models registered, number of Filipino industrial designs registered, number of Filipino utility models filed, number of Filipino industrial designs filed, and the number of Filipino patents filed under Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) were not achieved by the sector since the registered value were lower than the yield targets.

Human Capital Development

In terms of responsive and resilient health system, the percentage of health facilities with no stock of essential drugs and vaccines lacked 40.0 percentage points from the planned target. This can also be seen in the proportion of fully immunized children which fell short by 23.2 percentage points, and in the percentage of women aged 15 to 49 years with a postnatal check-up in the first two days after birth, with 19.5 percentage points deficit.

With regards to income-earning ability and adaptability, the sector failed to achieve their plan targets in Private Education Student Financial Assistance (PESFA) Program with 5,711 out of 128,000 programs (4.5%), Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP) with 76,949 out of 1,159,000 programs (6.6%), Special Training for Employment Program (STEP) with 21,962 out of 119,000 programs (18.5%), and Immersion Outreach Program with 1,280 out of 7,300 programs (17.5%). 

In terms of productivity, the 1.2 percent growth in labor productivity in industry sector and the 0.2 percent growth in the labor productivity in service sector missed the minimum planned targets of 4.40 percent and 5.35 percent, respectively.

In sustaining the biodiversity and ecosystem services, the sector missed its targets of decreasing the area denuded and degraded forestlands/Protected Areas (PAs) by just 0.1 percentage point and increasing the area of forestland under effective management by 0.03 percentage point.

Additionally, the continuous decrease in the number of free patents issued through the years ended with a deficiency of 89.0 percent from the end-of plan target. This is also true with the percentage of surface metallic mines compliant with the safety and health, environmental, and social development and management programs for the mineral resources’ development with 41.5 percentage points shortage.
The Philippine government aimed to build a high-trust society and a healthy and resilient Filipino by the end of 2022. However, the governance sector failed to reach 56.67 percent of its targets. For instance, only 82.4 percent of Local Government Units (LGUs) adopted Public Financial Management (PFM) improvement measures compared to the 90.0 percent target. Additionally, only 79.0 percent of provinces had the required Non-Government Organization (NGO) representation in the Local Development Council, indicating a deficit of 21.0 percentage points from the 2022 target.

From the last six years, the percentage of merger cases within the reglementary period of review was maintained at 100.0 percent, which was also its end-of-plan target. Moreover, from 2017-2022, the percentage competition-related complaints acted upon within prescribed period was consistently 1.0 percent higher than its planned target.

On the downside, the end-of-plan target of percentage of households aware of the PCC was not reached by 2.7 percentage points while the number of competition-related publications released by major academic and research institutions was lower by 57 than the planned target.

Culture and Values
While Filipino pride increases based on the latest available data in 2019, the percentage of LGUs with Indigenous Peoples Mandatory Representation was registered at 33.0 percent, lower than its 2022 target of 56.5 percent. Also, only 444 total documentations on Philippine intangible cultural heritage and Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Practices (IKSPs) were conducted, failing to meet the figures in the PDP end goal of 552.
Social Protection

The number of deaths attributed to natural and human-induced disasters, number of missing persons attributed to natural and human-induced disasters, and the number of directly affected persons attributed to natural and human-induced disasters per 100,000 population were way far from the end-of-plan target of zero.

Similarly, more than 13.0 percent underperformance in the number of eligible senior citizens who received social pension (13.1%) and the number of Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) beneficiaries covered (13.7%) were recorded.

Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
The country’s goal of ensuring a sustainable and resilient production and food availability fell short of expectations. The Growth of GVA in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (AFF) did not improve since 2018. Crops and forestry reported growth rates of -1.1 percent and -0.1 percent respectively, were lower than their targets of at least 2.0 percent. The yield of major commodities in metric tons per hectare (MT/ha) such as rice, corn, bananas, mangoes, cassava, coffee, rubber, and abaca, also failed to meet their respective targets. Additionally, the volume of production of hog, goat, chicken, vegetables, and fish meats has been fluctuating with no significant increase since 2020.

In terms of increase in access to economic opportunities including the digital economy, specifically on road transport, the 45.84 hours end-of-plan target travel time via land per key corridor in National Route 1 (N1)/Pan-Philippine Highway (Laoag-Zamboanga) was not met. The recorded travel time was higher by 16.57 hours in 2022.

Regarding the social infrastructure in human capital development transformed towards greater agility, 30.1 percent more barangays served by Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs) is needed to beat the planned target of 25,221.

The country missed its target by at least 1.5 percentage points in international remittance costs as a proportion of the amount remitted. Also, the 9.8 percent voter turnout of Overseas Filipinos in 2022 was lower than its target of 40.0 percent. Correspondingly, the percent of returnees successfully engaged in an income-generating activity fell short by 0.5 percentage point compared to its target.
Shelter and Housing
Most of the ‘misses’ of the sector which include the increase in number of license to sell issued, improvement of percentage of low-cost housing units delivered to low-cost housing targets as well as the percentage of low-cost housing units delivered to low-cost housing targets, number of medium-cost housing units delivered, number of open housing units delivered, and value of new guarantee enrolments failed to reach at least 50.0 percent of their plan targets.
The Philippines battles for a swift, fair, and humane administration of justice. A few challenges were noted on the criminal, civil, and economic justice processes information and communications technology sub-chapter. The planned target of 15,153 beneficiaries of Victims Compensation Program was not met, with only 6,932 total beneficiaries recorded from 2017 to 2022. Moreover, the World Justice Project (WJP) Rule of Law Index: Civil and Criminal Justice scores were relatively the same throughout the planned period, indicating no significant increase.
National Statistician and Civil Registrar General
The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) has developed the Statistical Indicators on Philippine Development (StatDev) to monitor the likelihood of achieving the economic and social development goals set forth in the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) prepared by the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA). The StatDev 2022 is anchored on the Updated PDP 2017-2022. Based on the Enhanced PDP Results Matrices (PDP-RM) Midterm Update, strategies and programs have been identified to get the country moving toward sustained growth. Targets have been set for these strategies against which the development efforts of the government will be measured vis-à-vis the Plan. From the measurable outputs/targets in the Enhanced PDP-RM, the PSA compiled data for the key indicators by sector. However, due to data unavailability, not all the strategies or targets in the Updated PDP are covered in the StatDev.          

Actual data were requested directly from source agencies and other PSA operating units. Additional data were also obtained from the agency websites and publications, e.g., Annual Reports of source agencies, among others.          

For indicators with 2022 latest data available, the following assessment will be used:
Sectoral ProgressIconInterpretation
HitThe end-of-plan target was attained.
MissedThe end-of-plan target was not attained


For most indicators without 2022 latest data available, the tracking method used in monitoring the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) was adopted. In particular,


The computed values are then used as basis for rating the likelihood of achieving the target based on the following ranges:
 High Greater than 0.9The chance of attaining the target is high and thus, the target is likely to be achieved.
 Medium 0.5 to 0.9The chance of attaining the target is medium and thus, the target may or may not be achieved.
 Low Less than 0.5The chance of attaining the target is low and thus, the target is not likely to be achieved.


It is important to note that an indicator with low likelihood of achieving the target does not necessarily mean that the end-of-plan target will not be met. The likelihood serves as an indicator that the actual growth rate from the baseline to the latest data given the number of years elapsed is relatively low for the required growth rate from the baseline to the end-of-plan target given the number of years covered.

To assess the progress of each sector in achieving the end-of-plan targets of its respective indicators, the following threshold were considered:

Sectoral ProgressIconInterpretation
GoodThe percentage of indicators included in StatDev 2022 which posted low likelihood of achieving their respective end-of-plan targets and missed their end-of-plan target is at most 33.3 percent.
AverageThe percentage of indicators included in StatDev 2022 which posted low likelihood of achieving their respective end-of-plan targets and missed their end-of-plan target is more than 33.3 percent but at most 50.0 percent.
PoorThe percentage of indicators included in StatDev 2022 which posted low likelihood of achieving their respective end-of-plan targets and missed their end-of-plan target is more than 50.0 percent.

Likewise, it is important to note that poor sectoral progress does not necessarily mean that the concerned agencies under the sector performed poorly. The sectoral progress is affected by the following factors: 1) number of indicators considered, and 2) data for indicators under the sector. A poor sectoral progress may improve when there are changes in the two aforementioned factors under the sector.

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