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Agricultural Indicators System Food Availability and Sufficiency

I. The Introduction

This is the sixth of the eight (8) modular reports of the Agricultural Indicators System (AIS) which provides information on per capita production, per capita net food disposable, and per capita supply of calories, protein and fats of selected agricultural commodities.  Further, this module is supplemented with statistics on the extent of the country’s sufficiency in domestic production and dependency on importation.  The volume on rice and corn stocks also serves as indicator for food security.

II. Data Sources

Data and IndicatorsSource Agency
  1. Annual production, net food disposable, population
Philippine Statistics
Authority (PSA)
  1. Nutritive factors in terms of calories, protein, and fats by commodity
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and Department of Science and Technology-Food and Nutrition Research Institute (DOST-FNRI)
  1. Annual per capita production index of selected agricultural commodities
  2. Daily per capita net food disposable index of selected agricultural commodities
  3. Daily per capita calories, protein and fats supply of selected agricultural commodities
  4. Self-sufficiency ratio (SSR) and import dependency ratio (IDR)




  1. Monthly total rice stocks
  2. Highest and lowest levels of rice stocks and month and percentage shares of households, commercial warehouses, and National Food Authority (NFA)
  3. Monthly total corn stocks
  4. Highest and lowest levels of corn stocks and month and percentage shares of households, commercial warehouses and NFA




III. Methodology

Per capita production

Annual per capita production index

Per Capita Net Food Disposable

Daily per capita supply of calories, protein and fat

This is derived by:

Daily per capita supply   = Daily Per Capita NFD x Nutritive Factor Rate

Self-sufficiency ratio (SSR)

Percentage shares of households, commercial warehouses, and National Food Authority (NFA)

IV. Concepts and Definition of Terms

Per capita production – refers to the volume of production of a particular commodity available for each member of the population. Per capita production is derived by dividing the volume of production of a specific commodity by the number of population.  

Annual per capita production index – provides information on the change in the per capita production of the commodity in a given year compared to a base year. It measures the capacity of the country’s agriculture sector to produce food commodities in pace with the growth of the population.  

Net Food Disposable (NFD) - refers to the volume of food commodity available in its original (unprocessed) form for human consumption. NFD is the remaining balance after all the "use" parameters are taken into account. The net food disposable in per capita per year and in per capita per day are expressed in kilograms and grams, respectively.

Per Capita Net Food Disposable – refers to the food commodity available in its original (unprocessed) form for each member of the population.

Daily per capita net food disposable index – indicates the movement of food available for consumption of each member of the population in a given year relative to a base year.  The data on daily per capita net food disposable in the Supply Utilization Accounts is expressed in grams.

Daily per capita supply of calories, protein and fat – reflects the nutrient content of the different food intake measured on per capita per day basis. This indicator will show what food items contribute the highest content of calories, protein, and fat.

Self-sufficiency ratio (SSR) – shows the magnitude of production in relation to domestic utilization.  It indicates the extent to which a country relies on its own production resources, i.e. the higher the ratio the greater the self-sufficiency. A ratio of less than 100 percent indicates inadequacy of food production to cope with the demand of the population; equal to 100 percent indicates that food production capacity of the sector is just enough to support the food needs of the population; ratio of greater than 100 percent indicates that domestic production is more than enough to support the domestic requirements.

Import dependency ratio (IDR) – indicates how much of the available domestic food supply comes from imports. The complement of this ratio to 100 would represent that part of the domestic food supply that has been produced in the country itself. The higher ratio implies greater dependency on importation.

Stock – supply stored for future use. The country’s rice and corn stocks inventory are generated from three sectors, namely: household, commercial, and government stocks (National Food Authority). The household and commercial stocks are taken from the Rice and Corn Stocks Survey (RCSS): Households, and RCSS: Commercial of the PSA. The government stocks are monitored from NFA warehouses/depositories.

Percentage shares of households, commercial warehouses and National Food Authority (NFA) – indicate the biggest/least source of rice and corn stocks in a given period.

V. Dissemination of Results

TitleSchedule of Release
Food Availability and SufficiencyNovember of the Current Year

Statistical tables, infographics, and modular report are included in the web release.

VI. Citation

Philippine Statistics Authority. (2022). Technical Notes on Food Availability and Sufficiency.

VII. Contact Information

Ms. Manuela S. Nalugon
(Supervising Statistical Specialist)
Agricultural Accounts Division
(02) 8376-1954


For data request, you may contact:
Knowledge Management and Communications Division
(02) 8462-6600 loc. 820 |

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Word document 2022 AIS-FAS - Technical Notes 38.99 KB