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The Global Adult Tobacco Survey is a nationally representative household-based survey for adults aged 15 years old and over. GATS is developed to systematically monitor tobacco use (smoked and smokeless) and track key tobacco control interventions in the country. The GATS has been implemented in middle-low-income countries to fulfill obligations under the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) and the MPOWER package of tobacco policies as key to the FCTC. The MPOWER policies are: Monitor tobacco use and prevention policies; Protect people from tobacco smoke; Offer help to quit tobacco use; Warn about the dangers of tobacco; Enforce bans on tobacco advertising, promotion, and sponsorship; and Raise taxes on tobacco.

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The Livestock and Poultry Statistics of the Philippines publication presents data series on volume of production, inventory, number of animals slaughtered in slaughterhouses and dressed in poultry dressing plants, and average farmgate prices. It serves as a ready reference for the various clients and stakeholders of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) in the agriculture sector.

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The 2022 Survey on Costs and Returns of Palay Production is conducted by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Agricultural Research. This generates data on the cost structure of palay production and average use of materials and labor inputs, measures of profitability, and other socio-economic characteristics of palay farming in the country. It also serves as benchmark data which are needed in the annual updating of the database on costs and returns of palay production.

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The Philippines is identified as one of the most vulnerable to different types of disasters like typhoons, earthquakes, and flood, among others. According to the World Risk Index, the Philippines ranks first among 193 countries with the highest disaster risk level in 2022.

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The Energy Accounts of the Philippines is a publication that presents the physical and monetary asset accounts of the country’s energy resources, namely: coal, oil, natural gas, and condensate. The accounts are updated on an annual basis.

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The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) serves as the central statistical authority of the government that compiles and generates International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS) or commonly known as Foreign Trade Statistics. IMTS is one of the designated statistics released by PSA, which was approved under Executive Order No. 352 - Designation of Statistical Activities That Will Generate Critical Data for Decision Making of the Government and the Private Sector.

Release Date:
The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) serves as the central statistical authority of the government that compiles and generates International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS) or commonly known as Foreign Trade Statistics. IMTS is one of the designated statistics released by PSA, which was approved under Executive Order No. 352 - Designation of Statistical Activities That Will Generate Critical Data for Decision Making of the Government and the Private Sector.

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The Occupational Wages Survey (OWS) is a designated statistics under Executive Order No. 352 dated 01 July, 1996, and is recognized as one of the important statistical activities in the country that generates critical data as inputs to decision-making of the government sector and the private sector.

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The Water Accounts of the Philippines is a publication presenting the physical and monetary flow accounts for water resources in the country. The accounts are updated on an annual basis.

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The Compendium is a compilation of environment and related socio-economic statistics collected from various government agencies. It is an adoption of the Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics (FDES) 2013.