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2020 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry (ASPBI) - Transportation and Storage Sector: Preliminary Results

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2022-468

Table A. Comparative Summary Statistics for Transportation and Storage Sector: Philippines, 2019 and 2020

Support activities for transportation industry posted the highest in terms of number of establishments

The preliminary results of the 2020 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry (ASPBI) showed that a total of 2,940 establishments in the formal sector of the economy were engaged in transportation and storage activities. This was -3.8 percent lower than the 3,057 establishments in 2019. (Tables A and 1, Figure 1)

Among the industry groups, support activities for transportation posted the highest number of establishments of 1,441 or 49.0 percent of the total. This was followed by other land transport with 759 establishments (25.8%) and transport via buses with 220 establishments (7.5%). (Table 1 and Figure 1)

Figure 1. Percentage Distribution of Transportation and Storage Sector by Industry Group: Philippines, 2020

At the regional level, the National Capital Region (NCR) had the highest number of establishments with 1,611 or 54.8 percent of the total. Central Visayas and CALABARZON followed far behind with 238 (8.1%) and 235 (8.0%) establishments, respectively. (Table 3)

Support activities for transportation industry recorded the highest employment

The total employment of the sector was recorded at 209,919 in 2020, a decrease of -7.8 percent compared with the 227,723 workers in 2019. Of the total, 206,402 workers (98.3%) were paid employees, while the rest were working owners and unpaid workers. (Tables A and 1)

Industry group-wise, support activities for transportation employed the highest number of 84,728 workers or 40.4 percent of the total. This was followed by other land transport with 26,338 workers (12.5%) and transport via buses with 24,251 workers (11.6%). (Table 1 and Figure 2)

Figure 2. Distribution of Employment for Transportation and Storage Sector by Industry Group: Philippines, 2020

NCR topped other regions in generating jobs with 130,377 workers or 62.1 percent of the total. This was followed by    Central Visayas and CALABARZON with 22,623 workers (10.8%) and 14,066 workers (6.7%), respectively. (Table 3)

The sector recorded an average of 71 workers per establishment in 2020, lower by -4.1 percent than the reported 74 workers per establishment in 2019.  Passenger air transport posted the highest average of 438 workers per establishment. Courier activities followed with an average of 163 workers per establishment and sea and coastal water transport with 131 workers per establishment. (Tables A and 2)

Passenger air transport industry paid the highest average annual compensation

In 2020, the sector paid a total compensation of PhP 60.77 billion to its employees. This translates to an average annual compensation of PhP 294.42 thousand per paid employee, lower by -23.3 percent than the PhP 383.65 thousand average annual compensation in 2019. (Tables A, 1 and 2)

Among the industry groups, passenger air transport paid the highest average annual compensation of PhP 1.04 million per paid employee. This was followed by courier activities paying an average annual compensation of PhP 311.21 thousand per paid employee. Sea and coastal water transport came in third paying an average annual compensation of PhP 271.24 thousand per paid employee. (Table 2  and Figure 3)

Figure 3. Average Annual Compensation of Paid Employees for the Top Five
Industries of Transportation and Storage Sector
by Industry Group: Philippines, 2020

By region, establishments in NCR paid the highest average annual compensation of PhP 360.60 thousand per paid employee. This was followed by establishments in Central Visayas and Central Luzon, paying PhP 248.93 thousand and PhP 216.60 thousand per paid employee, respectively. (Table 4)

Support activities for transportation generated the highest total revenue

The total revenue generated by the sector reached PhP 458.24 billion in 2020, a decrease of -38.7 percent from the PhP 747.15 billion revenue in 2019. Support activities for transportation had the biggest share to total revenue, amounting to Php 190.93 billion or 41.7 percent. This was followed by passenger air transport and sea and coastal water transport with revenue of PhP 145.98 billion (31.9%) and PhP 32.93 billion (7.2%), respectively. (Tables A and 1, Figure 4)

Across the regions, establishments in NCR generated the largest revenue of PhP 351.84 or 76.8 percent of the total. This was followed by Central Visayas and CALABARZON with respective shares of PhP 37.22 billion (8.1%) and PhP 29.75 billion (6.5%) revenues. (Table 3)

On the other hand, the total expense incurred by the sector amounted to PhP 563.13 billion in 2020. This figure was lower by -20.1 percent than the PhP 704.89 billion reported expense in 2019. Industry group-wise, passenger air transport incurred the highest expense amounting to PhP 272.87 billion or 48.5 percent of the total. This was followed by support activities for transportation and sea and coastal water transport with recorded expense of PhP 159.52 billion (28.3%) and PhP 37.68 billion (6.7%), respectively. (Tables A and 1, Figure 4)

NCR emerged as the top spender with PhP 465.55 billion (82.7%) expense, followed by Central Visayas with PhP 36.49 billion (6.5%) and CALABARZON with PhP 25.87 billion (4.6%) expenses. (Table 3)

Figure 4. Revenue and Expense for Transportation and Storage Sector by Industry Group: Philippines, 2020

The revenue generated per peso expense ratio computed for the sector stood at 0.81 in 2020, lower by -23.2 percent than the revenue per peso expense ratio of 1.06 in 2019. Among the industry groups, support activities for transportation recorded the highest revenue per peso expense ratio of 1.20. This was followed by warehousing and storage, and other land transport, both with revenue per peso expense ratio of 1.13. (Tables A and 2)

Government granted PhP 17.92 billion worth of subsidies

Subsidies are special grants in the form of financial assistance or tax exemption or tax privilege given by the government to aid and develop an industry. The total subsidies granted to the sector reached PhP 17.92 billion in 2020, higher by 44.4 percent than the PhP 12.41 billion subsidies in 2019. (Tables A and 1)


National Statistician and Civil Registrar General




This Special Release presents the preliminary results of the 2020 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry (ASPBI) for Transportation and Storage establishments (Sector H).

The ASPBI is one of the designated statistical activities of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA). Data collected from the survey provide information on the levels, structure, performance, and trends of economic activities of the formal sector in the entire country for the year 2020.

The conduct of the 2020 ASPBI is authorized under Republic Act No. 10625 known as the Philippine Statistical Act of 2013 which mandates reorganizing and strengthening of the Philippine Statistical System (PSS), its agencies and instrumentalities.

II. Data collection and Processing

The survey was conducted nationwide in 2021 with the year 2020 as the reference period, except for employment whose reference period is as of 15 November 2020.

Sample establishments were given various options in accomplishing the survey questionnaire. These were the following:

1. online questionnaire available at;
2. electronic copy of the questionnaire either in portable document format (.pdf) or Excel (.xlsx) file format; and
3. printed copy of the questionnaire.

The Establishment Data Management System (EDMS) was utilized in the decentralized processing of 2020 ASPBI questionnaires in the provinces.

Data are presented by industry group or 3-digit classification as classified under the 2009 Philippine Standard Industrial Classification (PSIC).

III. Taxonomy of Establishments

An establishment is defined as an economic unit under a single ownership or control which engages in one or predominantly one kind of economic activity at a single fixed location.

An establishment is categorized by its economic organization, legal organization, industrial classification, employment size, and geographic location.

Economic Organization refers to the organizational structure or role of the establishment in the organization. An establishment may be a single establishment, branch, establishment and main office with branches elsewhere, main office only, or an ancillary unit other than the main office.

Legal Organization refers to the legal form of the economic entity which owns the establishment. An establishment may be a single proprietorship, partnership, government corporation, stock corporation, non-stock corporation, or cooperative.

Industrial classification of an economic unit was determined by the activity from which it derives its major income or revenue. The 2009 PSIC which was approved for adoption by government agencies and instrumentalities through PSA Resolution No. 01 Series of 2017-158 signed on 14 February 2017 was utilized to classify economic units according to their economic activities.

Size of an establishment is determined by its total employment as of the time of visit during the latest Updating of the List of Establishments

Total Employment (TE) refers to the total number of persons who work in or for the establishment. This includes paid employees, working owners, unpaid workers, and all employees who work full-time or part-time including seasonal workers. Also included are persons on short-term leave such as those on sick, vacation or annual leaves, and on strike.

Geographic Classification refers to the grouping of establishments by geographic area using the Philippine Standard Geographic Code (PSGC) classification. The PSGC contains the latest updates on the official number of regions, provinces, cities, municipalities, and barangays in the Philippines. The PSGC as of 31 December 2020 was used for the 2020 ASPBI.

IV. Scope and Coverage

The 2020 ASPBI covered establishments engaged in 18 economic sectors classified under the 2009 PSIC, namely:

1. Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing (A)
2. Mining and Quarrying (B)
3. Manufacturing (C)
4. Electricity, Gas, Steam, and Air Conditioning Supply (D)
5. Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities (E)
6. Construction (F)
7. Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles (G)
8. Transportation and Storage (H)
9. Accommodation and Food Service Activities (I)
10. Information and Communication (J)
11. Financial and Insurance Activities (K)
12. Real Estate Activities (L)
13. Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities (M)
14. Administrative and Support Service Activities (N)
15. Education (P)
16. Human Health and Social Work Activities (Q)
17. Arts, Entertainment and Recreation (R)
18. Other Service Activities (S)

The survey was confined to the formal sector of the economy, which consists of the following:

1. Corporations and partnership
2. Cooperatives and foundations
3. Single proprietorship with employment of 10 and over
4. Single proprietorships with branches

Hence, the 2020 ASPBI covered only the following economic units:

1. All establishments with total employment (TE) of 10 or more; and
2. All establishments with TE of less than 10, except those establishments with Legal Organization = 1 (single proprietorship) and Economic Organization = 1 (single establishment), that are engaged in economic activities classified according to the 2009 Philippine Standard Industrial Classification.

V. Sampling Design

The 2020 ASPBI uses stratified systematic sampling design with 3-digit or 5-digit PSIC as the first stratification variable, depending on the sector, and total employment, which is classified into Micro, Small, Medium establishments (MSME), as the second stratification variable.

Stratified systematic sampling is a process of dividing the population into homogeneous groups, called strata, and then selecting independent samples in each stratum systematically. This method ensures that all important subgroups of the population are represented in the sample and increases precision of “overall” survey estimates.


The geographic domain of the 2020 ASPBI is region. The industry domain/stratum is 3-digit or 5-digit industry classification, and the employment domain/stratum is the MSME classification.

Unit of Enumeration

The unit of enumeration for the 2020 ASPBI is the establishment.

Sampling Frame of Establishments

The sampling frame for the 2020 ASPBI was extracted from the preliminary 2020 List of Establishments (LE) as of 06 January 2021.  This frame was used to draw the sample establishments for the survey. The preliminary 2020 LE showed that there were 1,000,440 establishments in operation in the country of which 336,205 establishments comprised the sampling frame or the establishments that are within the scope and coverage of the 2020 ASPBI.

Estimation Procedure

1) Estimation of Survey Weights

Base Weight

The base weight is the inverse of the probability of selection.  For the ASPBI, the base weight for each domain is given by:


whk = weight of the kth establishment in the hth stratum
Nh      = total no. of establishments in the hth stratum
nh      = total no. of sample establishments in the hth stratum
h          = refers to the industry-employment stratum

Adjustment Factor

To take into account the non-responding sample establishments, the adjustment factor by region and industry domain is as follows:


As     = adjustment factor for industry domain s
X1k   = eligibility status of the kth sample establishment (1 if eligible, 0 otherwise)
X2k   = responding status of the kth sample establishment (1 if responding, 0 otherwise)

Final Weight

The final weight is the product of the base weight and adjustment factor.  That is,


 w'hk   = final weight of the kth sample establishment in stratum h
 whk    = weight of the kth establishment in the hth stratum
  As    = adjustment factor for industry domain s

2) Estimation of Total

Total by Industry-Employment Stratum

The estimator for the total of a characteristic in each industry-employment stratum in a region (geographic domain) is given by:


yhk   = value of the kth sample establishment in stratum h
w’hk = final weight of the kth sample establishment in stratum h

Total by Industry Stratum and Domain

The estimator for the total of a characteristic in each industry stratum in each regional domain is given by:


hi = number of employment strata for industryvstratum i

Total by Employment Stratum and Domain

The estimator for the total of a characteristic in each employment stratum in each regional domain is given by:


hj = number of industry strata for employment stratum j
r  = subscript for geographic domain r

Total by Geographic Domain

The estimator for the total of a characteristic in each geographic domain is given by:


= total number of industry strata in geographic domain r
J = total number of employment strata in geographic domain r

Total by Industry Stratum (National)

The estimator for the national total of a characteristic in each industry domain/stratum is given by:


R = total number of regions

Total by Employment Stratum (National)

The estimator for the national total of a characteristic in each employment domain/stratum is given by:

National Total

The estimator for the national total of a characteristic is given by:

VI. Response Rate

Response rate for Transportation and Storage sector was 84.6 percent (816 out of 965 establishments). This included receipts of "good" questionnaires, partially accomplished questionnaires, and reports of closed, moved out or out-of-scope establishments.

Of the total responses, 31 establishments responded online.

Reports of establishments which were found to be duplicate of another establishment, out-of-scope and out of business in 2020 were not included in the generation of statistical tables.

VII. Concepts and Definitions of Terms

Compensation is the sum of salaries and wages, separation/retirement/terminal pay, gratuities, and payments made by the employer on behalf of the employees such as contribution to SSS/GSIS, ECC, PhilHealth, Pag-ibig, etc.

Establishment is an economic unit under a single ownership and control, i. e. under a single entity, engaged in one or predominantly one kind of economic activity at a single fixed location.

Expense is the cost incurred by the establishment during the year whether paid or payable. This is treated on a consumed basis. Valuation is at purchaser price including taxes and other charges, net of rebates, returns and allowances. Goods and services received by the establishment from other establishments of the same enterprise are valued as though purchased.

Paid employees are all persons working in the establishment and receiving pay, as well as those working away from the establishment paid by and under the control of the establishment. Included are all employees on sick leave, paid vacation, or holiday. Excluded are consultants, home workers, receiving pure commissions only, and workers on indefinite leave.

Revenue is the cash received and receivables for goods/products and   by-products sold and services rendered. Valuation is at producer prices (ex-establishment) net of discounts and allowances, including duties and taxes but excluding subsidies.

Salaries and wages are payments in cash or in kind to all employees, prior to deductions for employee’s contributions to SSS/GSIS, withholding tax, etc. Included are total basic pay, overtime pay, and other benefits.

Subsidies are special grants in the form of financial assistance or tax exemption or tax privilege given by the government to aid and develop an industry.