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PSA Granted Clearance for the Conduct of the 2021 Quarterly Survey of Philippine Business and Industry
PSA Renews Clearance for the Conduct of the 2020 Survey of Tourism Establishments in the Philippines (STEP)
PSA Grants Clearance for the Conduct of the Baseline Survey on Intellectual Property Awareness
PSA Grants Clearance for the Conduct of the National Survey to Monitor the Impact of the Sin Tax Law
PSA Clears the Conduct of the Impact Evaluation Study of the Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway (SCTEX) Project
PSA Clears the Conduct of the 2021 Palay Production Survey and Corn Production Survey
PSA Clears the Conduct of the 2021 Listing of Marine Fish Landing Centers (LMFLC)
PSA Grants Clearance for the Conduct of Senior Bank Loan Officers’ Survey of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
PSA Grants Clearance for the Conduct of the PIDS Online Survey of Youth Not in the Employment and Education or Training (PIDS Youth NEET Survey)
PSA Clears the Conduct of the 2021 Commercial Stocks Survey (CSS)
PSA Grants Clearance for the Conduct of the PIDS-Monash University Online Survey of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the Philippines
PSA Approves the Conduct of the 2021 Family Income and Expenditure Survey (FIES)
PSA Clears the Conduct of the Backyard Livestock and Poultry Survey (BLPS) and Commercial Livestock and Poultry Survey (CLPS)
PSA Renews the Clearance of the Conduct of Quarterly Labor Force Survey (LFS)
PSA Grants Clearance for the Conduct of the 2021 Corporate Financial Trends Survey (CFTS)
PSA Grants Clearance for the Conduct of the 2021 National Survey on the Awareness of Private Firms on the Philippine Competition Act (PCA) and the Philippine Competition Commission (PCC)
PSA Grants the Clearance for the Conduct of the Survey for the Outcome Evaluation of the Public Management Development Program (PMDP)
PSA Clears the Conduct of the Crops Production Survey
PSA Grants Clearance for the Conduct of the Value Chain Analysis of Pili (Canarium ovatum Engl.) Product Cycle: A Complete Enumeration (Farmers, Growers, Traders, and Processors)
PSA Clears the Conduct of the 2021 Labor Turnover Survey (LTS)