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2021 ASPBI Data Dissemination Forum : Banner

Awards for Establishments

The Philippine Statistics Authority will once again give due recognition to our sample establishments which provided timely, and accurate survey data.

The criteria in selecting these establishments are the following:

  • Has been consistent in providing data to PSA in the past 5 years;  
        (5 years – 15%; 4 years – 12%; 3 years – 9%; 2 years – 6%; 1 year  – 3%)

  • Has provided data before the provincial deadline; 
    (Submitted before the provincial deadline – 40%; Submitted on the provincial deadline – 35%; Submitted after the provincial deadline – 20%)

  • Has provided quality and reliable data; 
    (Quality of Report = Good Questionnaire (1), Consolidated Report (5) (with entry) – 35%; Quality of Report = Partially Accomplished (2) – 25%)

  • Has submitted data using online questionnaire. 
    (Submitted data via online questionnaire – 10%; Did not use online questionnaire – 0%)