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Seasonally Adjusted Consumer Price Index (2000=100) : May 2010


The seasonally adjusted CPI of FBT items in NCR in May moved at its April level of 154.7 while in AONCR, its level went down to 168.8 from 169.1.
Women Empowerment (Excerpts from the 2008 NDHS Final Report)


Empowerment of women is essential for the achievement of sustainable development. The full participation and partnership of both women and men is required in productive and reproductive life.
1998 National Demographic and Health Survey - Maternal Health


Tetanus toxoid injections are given during pregnancy in order to prevent neonatal tetanus, a frequent cause of infant deaths when sterile procedures are not observed in cutting the umbilical cord following delivery. Table MH1 shows that, for 69…
1998 National Demographic and Health Survey - Fertility Preferences


Respondents in the 1998 NDHS were asked whether they wanted to have another child and, if so, how soon. Table FP1 summarizes the information on women's reproductive preferences. Half (51 percent) of currently married women in the Philippines say…
Technical Notes on the 2003 National and Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS)


In the absence of comprehensive registration of population and vital statistics, demographic surveys are the primary source of data used in monitoring the progress and evaluating the impact of the population program of the country. The Philippine…
1998 National Demographic and Health Survey - Fertility


Age-specific and total fertility rates for the survey are calculated directly from the pregnancy history data and are shown in Table 1, along with the mean number of children ever born. The total and age-specific fertility rates are for the three-…
Technical Notes on the 1998 National and Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS)


INTRODUCTION The 1998 National Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS) was a national-level sample survey designed to provide information on various demographic and maternal and child health issues in the Philippines. The NDHS was conducted by the…
Monthly Integrated Survey of Selected Industries : March 2010


Value of Production Index (VaPI) for total manufacturing reflected a slower average annual growth of 21.5 percent in March 2010, according to the preliminary results of the Monthly Integrated Survey of Selected Industries (MISSI). This was accounted…
External Trade Performance : March 2010


Total external trade in goods for the first quarter of 2010 (January to March) reached $24.065 billion, a 37.3 percent increment from $17.525 billion registered during the same period in 2009. Total imports posted a 32.7 percent annual increase to $…
Approved FDI sustains growth in Q1 2010


Total approved foreign direct investments (FDI) posted two consecutive quarter increases after four successive quarter declines. FDI approved by the Board of Investments (BOI), Clark Development Corporation (CDC), Philippine Economic Zone Authority…