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Labor Turnover Statistics, 3rd Quarter 2017 National Capital Region (NCR)

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Employment in enterprises in the National Capital Region (NCR) exhibited a slower rate of increase in the third quarter of 2017
Latest results of the Labor Turnover Survey placed the labor turnover rate at 1.10 percent which was lower than the rate recorded in the same period last year (3.67%). 
Accession rate stood at 8.91 percent which was slightly higher than the separation rate registered for the period at 7.81 percent. This resulted to 1.10% turnover which indicates that 11 workers per 1,000 employed were added to the enterprise workforce. For every 1,000 employed, 89 were hired either for business expansion or replacement of separated workers while 78 were either laid-off or quit their jobs.
Industry sector sustained gain in employment
Agriculture, forestry and fishing sector posted a negative labor turnover rate of 0.70 percent in which the accession and separation of workers were recorded at 3.42 percent and 4.12 percent, respectively.
The industry and services sectors recorded positive labor turnover rates of 1.38 percent and 1.05 percent, respectively, but not enough to give a boost to the total employment.
Industry posted an accession rate of 8.35% which outpaced the separation rate (6.97%) by 1.38 percentage points. All industries under this sector recorded employment gains with mining and quarrying posting the highest at 2.34 percent followed by manufacturing at 2.22 percent.
Meanwhile, although the highest accession rate was recorded by the services sector (9.07%), it also accounted for the highest separation rate of 8.02 percent among the major sectors. Reductions of workforce were registered in other service activities at -0.44 percent and accommodation and food service activities at -0.31 percent. These were however negated by employment growths in financial and insurance activities (3.08%), information and communication (2.73%) and transportation and storage (2.53%). 
National Statistician and Civil Registrar General


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