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Issuance of Statistical Standards for Local Government Units

NSCB Resolution No. 10
Series of 1991


WHEREAS, the reliability, credibility and comparability of data have significant bearing on policy and decision making of the National Government and Local Government Units;

WHEREAS, the coverage of the Philippine Statistical System (PSS) cuts across all geographic subdivisions in order to ensure the proper determination of the over-all picture of the country;

WHEREAS, a new Local Government Code was signed into law last October 10, 1991;

WHEREAS, pursuant to the aforesaid code, powers and functions for the delivery of basic services were devolved to the local government units;

WHEREAS, inherent to the devolution of basic powers and functions would be the devolution of the generation of statistics for planning and decision-making;

WHEREAS, the NSCB is mandated to promote and maintain an efficient statistical system at the national and subnational levels;

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Board approve the attached Statistical Standards for Local Government Units.

Approved thru a referendum this 13th day of December 1991.