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Compilation of a Social Accounting Matrix of the Philippines

NSCB Resolution No. 5
Series of 1996


WHEREAS, the NSCB is mandated to develop, prescribe and maintain appropriate frameworks for the improvement of statistical coordination;

WHEREAS, the Philippine System of National Accounts (PSNA) is one such framework;

WHEREAS, it has been the NSCB policy to constantly improve its economic accounts to make it a more relevant tool for policy and decision makers;

WHEREAS, the Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) is a matrix presentation of the PSNA integrating all existing economic accounts in the country namely, the National Accounts, the Input-Output tables, the Balance of Payment, and the Flow of Funds;

WHEREAS, the Philippine SAM was compiled only for the years 1974, 1979 and 1990 and undertaken as a project because its compilation cannot be met by the regular manpower and finance resources of the NSCB;

WHEREAS, the compilation of the 1990 SAM was undertaken under the Philippine Institute of Development Studies (PIDS) Technical Resources Project (TRP) 00-95/02;

WHEREAS, the SAM provides a comprehensive description of the main macro-economic links and interrelationships thus providing a basis for policy formulation;

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Board approve the compilation of the SAM every five (5) years and that the provision of the required funding support be included in the budget proposal of the NSCB for 1997.

Approved this 31st day of May 1996.