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Approving and Adopting a Scientific Career System for Statisticians

NSCB Resolution No. 12
Series of 2006


WHEREAS, one of the thrusts of the Philippine Statistical System (PSS) is to strengthen the capability of statistical manpower in the country;

WHEREAS, a mechanism in strengthening statistical capability is the establishment of a Scientific Career System for Statisticians (SCSS) which aims to provide recognition to the relevant/outstanding contributions of government statisticians in the country, promote statistics as a profession, and attract and encourage professional statisticians to join the government service;

WHEREAS, in October 2004, the NSCB Executive Board created a Task Force composed of representatives from the Statistical Research and Training Center (SRTC), National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB), National Statistics Office (NSO), Bureau of Agricultural Statistics (BAS), Bureau of Labor and Employment Statistics (BLES), Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Department of Science and Technology (DOST), and the Philippine Statistical Association (PSA), to work out the necessary guidelines and procedures that will put in place the SCSS in the PSS;

WHEREAS, the SCSS shall be established in accordance with the rules and guidelines of the existing Philippine Scientific Career System as laid out in the Merit System for the Scientific Career System CY 2002 (Annex BR-12-2006-01);

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Board approve for adoption the following:

  1. The guidelines for the implementation of the SCSS as recommended by the Task Force (Annex BR-12-2006-02), which include, among others:

    • Creation of agency-based Scientific Career Evaluation Committees (SCECs) which will handle the assessment of application of their nominee-statisticians and monitor/evaluate the performance of their scientists;

    • Creation of a PSS-wide SCEC to assist agencies that have no SCEC of their own nor the capacity to create one;

    • Creation of a Secretariat for the PSS-wide SCEC that will be based at the SRTC;

  2. Preparation and implementation of a communication plan by the SRTC to fully disseminate the establishment of the system; and
  3. Provision of funding support to the SRTC in order to implement the activities of the PSS-wide SCEC and its secretariat by the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) .

Approved this 22nd day of May 2006, in Pasig City.

Attested by:


Secretary General