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Approving and Adopting the Philippine Tourism Statistical Classification System

NSCB Resolution No. 4
Series of 2005


WHEREAS, tourism has a significant role and impact on the social and economic development and environmental and cultural landscape of the country, and is identified as one of the growth strategies in the 2004-2010 Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan, specifically, in the creation of jobs as laid out in the current administration’s Ten-Point Agenda;

WHEREAS, tourism is integrated in many different economic sectors and thus serves as a key growth engine by propagating business activities, stimulating infrastructure and services development, and generating jobs and income;

WHEREAS, there is a need to measure the economic contribution of tourism to provide basis for effective and efficient policy research, monitoring, analysis and development of the tourism industry;

WHEREAS, the Department of Tourism (DOT), through the Grants-in-Aid Program of the National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB), conducted in 1988 a research study aimed at exploring the measurement of the contribution of tourism in the Philippine economy; and collaborated with the World Trade and Tourism Council (WTTC) with technical support from NSCB on the estimation of a satellite account on tourism through travel and tourism expenditure shares, which paved the way for the formulation of the framework and initial estimates of the Philippine Tourism Satellite Accounts (PTSA) under the project, Development of the Satellite Accounts on Tourism (DSAT), jointly implemented by the DOT and NSCB;

WHEREAS, there is a need to formulate a standard classification system that will characterize the tourism industry in the context of the Philippine System of National Accounts (PSNA);

WHEREAS, such standard classification system includes the definition of the scope and coverage of tourism through the identification of tourism characteristic and connected products and industries in the country;

WHEREAS, the World Tourism Organization (WTO), a specialized United Nations Agency that serves as a global forum for tourism policy issues and practical source of tourism know-how, recommended a List of Tourism Characteristics Activities, Products and Durable Goods to serve as international reference for the compilation of statistics and satellite account on tourism;

WHEREAS, the Inter-Agency Committee on Tourism Statistics (IACTS), through the Technical Working Group on Tourism Statistics (TWGTS) and NSCB technical staff, has formulated the Philippine Tourism Statistical Classification System (PTSCS) based on the WTO-recommended list, the 1994 Philippine Standard Industrial Classification (PSIC), and the 2002 Philippine Central Product Classification (PCPC) developed and maintained by the NSCB;

WHEREAS, the IACTS, in its Resolution No. 03, series of 2004 (Annex BR-04-2005-01), is endorsing for approval by the Board the Philippine Tourism Statistical Classification System;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Board approve the Philippine Tourism Statistical Classification System as basis for the generation of tourism statistics, specifically in the compilation of the PTSA, in the country;

BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Board enjoin all concerned government agencies/institutions, the local government units, the academe and the private sector to adopt and use the PTSCS in the generation and analysis of tourism data/statistics.

Approved this 24th day of January 2005, in Pasig City.

Attested by:

