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The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) releases the Statistical Indicators on Philippine Development 2014 (StatDev 2014).  The StatDev is a statistical indicator system to monitor the achievements of the economic and social development goals set forth in the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2011-2016. It provides a comparison of actual sectoral accomplishments with the corresponding targets indicated in the PDP 2011-2016 Results Matrices, capturing the midterm updates, many of which were provided by respective agencies, for easier appreciation by planners, evaluators, and other stakeholders. 

The StatDev 2014 highlights the performance of the sectors for at least the past three years. This contains 223 indicators covering the nine PDP sectoral chapters.  Based on the submissions of data source agencies, there were 151 indicators with up to 2014 data.  Out of these updated indicators, 63 posted good probabilities of achieving their respective targets; 32 registered average performances of hitting their targets while 56 had low probabilities of reaching their targets 1
Here are the highlights of the StatDev 2014:


Overall performance across PDP chapters/sectors
In terms of overall performance, two of the nine PDP chapters/sectors (macroeconomy and competitive industry and services), had at least 60 percent of its indicators exhibiting good probabilities of achieving the PDP target by 2016.

Overall Performance across 151 indicators
In terms of percentage shares to total indicators, 41.7 percent of the 151 indicators exhibited good probabilities of achieving the target; 21.2 percent posted average probabilities; and the remaining 37.1 percent had low probabilities.

The real GDP growth rate registered an annual growth rate of 6.1 percent in 2014 and 5.2 percent during the first quarter of 2015.   This figure is near but below the target set in the Plan at 7.5 percent to 8.5 percent.
Competitive industry and services sector
The Global Competitiveness Index ranking went up from 59th to 52nd place while the ranking on the ease doing business jumped from 108th to 85th.
Competitive and sustainable agriculture and fisheries sectors
The agriculture and fishery gross value added (at constant 2000 prices) has remained constant around the 700-thousand level, resulting in an average probability of hitting its 2016 target.
Accelerating infrastructure development
The rail transport annual ridership of passengers has an average probability of achieving its target while its ratio of revenue to operation and maintenance cost is likely to achieve its 2016 target of 1.15. 
Towards a dynamic and resilient financial system
The 2016 target on the growth of the financial system’s total assets is likely to be achieved.
Good governance and the rule of law
More than half of the Philippine performance indicators monitored by the Millennium Challenge Corporation scoreboard for the Ruling Justly category exhibited high probabilities of achieving their respective targets in 2016.
Social development
The coverage rate of the National Health Insurance Program of  the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PHIC) showed a high probability of achieving its 95 percent target for 2016.

Peace and security
Crime solution efficiency posted a good probability of achieving its 2016 PDP target.

However, the number of private armed groups and other threat groups as well as the resolution rate of immigration fraud and deportation cases exhibited low probabilities of achieving their respective targets.

Conservation, protection, and rehabilitation of environment and natural resources
While the observed population of threatened species such as the Philippine eagle, Tamaraw and the Philippine Cockatoo are very likely to hit their 2016 targets, the number of threatened species for both fauna and flora, showed poor probabilities of attaining their respective targets.
For the National Statistician and Civil Registrar General:
Deputy National Statistician
For Censuses and Technical Coordination Office
Officer-in-Charge, PSA
1 Please refer to the Technical Notes for StatDev 2014 for the computation of the probabilities.