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The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) expressed its support for the advancement of the global statistical system through its participation in the 54th Session of the United Nations Statistical Commission (UN StatCom) on 28 February to 03 March 2023 in New York, USA.

Centered on the theme, ‘Better Data, Better Lives’, the session convened the Chief Statisticians and other major stakeholders to discuss statistical matters including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, social and economic statistics, macroeconomic and environment accounts, statistical capacity-building programmes, international statistical classifications, and the working methods of the Commission.

The Philippine delegation, led by Undersecretary Dennis S. Mapa, Ph.D. manifested its support for the work done by the different working groups and shared its transformational initiatives on the following agenda items: Agenda 3a: Data and Indicators for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Agenda 3b: Social Statistics, Agenda 3c: Household Surveys, Agenda 3d: Economic Statistics, Agenda 3e: National Accounts, Agenda 3h: Environmental-Economic Accounting, Agenda item 3j: International statistical classifications, Agenda 3k: Statistical capacity development, among others.

With the Philippines as Co-Chair of the Expert Group, Undersecretary Mapa introduced the agenda item on National Quality Assurance Frameworks (NQAF). He encouraged the Commission to comment on the work done by the Expert Group over the past two years, including its global survey on NQAF implementation. Moreover, he invited the Commission to endorse the proposed roadmap for implementation and approve the proposed work program of the Expert Group.

Likewise, the Philippine delegation participated in the High-level Forum on Official Statistics: Statistical measures beyond GDP which presented the current efforts in developing measures of social and demographic development, measuring the contribution of nature, and broadening the framework of the System of National Accounts to include components of well-being and sustainability.

Usec. Mapa also shared the action plan of the Philippines towards addressing the situation of stateless persons during the side event, Making the Invisible Visible: Developing International Recommendations on Statelessness Statistics. The side event featured ongoing initiatives on statistical inclusion.

The 54th UN StatCom was a notable one as it was the first in-person session conducted since 2020.

- Office of the National Statistician – International Cooperation Unit

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