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  • The total rice stock inventory as of March 1, 2009 was estimated at 2.17 million metric tons. It is lower than previous month’s level by 4.9 percent but 28.4 percent higher compared to last year’s record. The  current  stock  would be enough to last for 62 days.
  • This month’s estimates showed stock draw downs in the households by 9.3 percent and commercial warehouses by 3.4 percent from last month’s levels. On the other hand, NFA stocks of which 50 percent are imported rice, was higher by 0.4 percent from its month ago level.
  • Compared to last year’s record, stock holdings of NFA went up by 185.7 percent and those of households by 0.2 percent. In contrast, stock in commercial warehouses dropped by 13.0 percent.
  • Of the current stock level, about 46 percent  were with the households  while, 16 and 38 percent were with the commercial and NFA depositories, respectively.

Figure 1 Rice Stock as of MArch 1, 2009

Table 1 Rice Stock as of March 1, 2009


  • The March 1, 2009 total corn stock inventory of 139 thousand metric tons was lower by 14.8 percent than last month’s level and by 23.4 percent compared to same period in 2008.
  • Compared to last month, household stock inventory was lower by 28.4 percent. However, stocks in commercial warehouses went up by 1.8 percent over same period last month.
  • Household and commercial stocks went down by 39.6 and 0.7 percent, respectively, compared to last year’s records.
  • NFA did not have any corn stock during the inventory period.

Figure 2 Corn STock as of March 1, 2009

Table 2 Corn Stock as of March 1, 2009

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