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Release Date :
ID :
Classification Systems
PSS Agency :
PSA Board Resolution :
UN International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) Rev. 4
Source :
PSA Board Resolution No 01, Series of 2017 - 157
Statistical Activity :
Related Statistical Domain :
Related Statistical Activity :
Classification Grouping
PSA Board Approved Standard Classification Systems
Description :

The Philippine Standard Industrial Classification (PSIC) is a detailed classification of industries prevailing in the country according to the kind of productive activities undertaken by establishments. The 2009 PSIC was patterned after the UN International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) Rev. 4, but with some modifications to reflect national situation and requirements. The PSIC was revised to (1) reflect changes in economic activities, emergence of new industries, and the structure of the economy (2) to take into account the new technologies employed which affect the organization of production and shifting of economic activities and (3) to realign with the ISIC revisions for purposes of international comparability.