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Monthly Integrated Survey of Selected Industries : November 2003

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2004-008


Total manufacturing November 2003 October 2003
  Year-on-Year Growth  
      Production Index  
            Value(VaPI) -0.4 2.9r
            Volume(VoPI) -8.0 -5.5r
      Net Sales Index    
            Value 9.0 10.0r
            Volume -0.2 0.1r
      Producer Price Index 8.2 8.9r
  Average Capacity Utilization 78.4 78.6r

                                            r -revised

  • Value of Production Index (VaPI) drops

Value of Production Index (VaPI) of the manufacturing industry slipped by 0.4 percent in November 2003 compared with a year-ago figure, according to the preliminary results of the Monthly Integrated Survey of Selected Industries (MISSI). Sectors attributing to the drop were the following: leather products, tobacco, furniture and fixtures, footwear and wearing apparel, wood and wood products, transport equipment, nonmetalllic mineral products and electrical machinery (see Table 1-A).

VaPI's month-on-month performance likewise fell by 4.2 percent in November 2003 due to the double-digit decreases reported by the following sectors: furniture and fixtures, petroleum products, footwear and wearing apparel, wood and wood products and electrical machinery (see Table 1-A).

  • Volume of Production Index (VoPI) continues to slide

On a year-on-year basis, Volume of Production Index (VoPI) posted a decrease of 8.0 percent in November 2003. Sectors largely contributing to the decline in production were the following: leather products, tobacco, footwear and wearing apparel, furniture and fixtures, nonmetalllic mineral products, electrical machinery, transport equipment, petroleum products and chemical products (see Table 1-B).

VoPI on a month-on-month comparison likewise dipped further by 3.6 percent in November 2003 compared to its (revised) 0.6 percent slump the previous month. Double-digit contraction were reported by the following sectors: furniture and fixtures, petroleum products, wood and wood products and footwear and wearing apparel (see Annex 1-B).

Figure 1

Figure 2

  • Value of Net Sales continues to step up

    Value of Net Sales in November 2003 grew by 9.0 percent on a year-on-year basis. This was primarily brought about by a 148.4 percent increase in sales of basic metals, followed by other sectors which posted double-digit increases: non-metalllic mineral products, machinery excluding electrical and petroleum products (see Table 2-A).

    However, Value of Net Sales on a monthly basis declined by 2.9 percent in November 2003 from the previous month�s increase of (revised) 1.3 percent. This was due to the lower sales report of the following sectors: furniture and fixtures, publishing and printing, leather products, basic metals and miscellaneous manufactures (see Table 2-A).

    Figure 3

  • Net Sales Volume slips

On a year-on-year basis, Net Sales Volume went down by 0.2 percent from an increase of (revised) 0.1 percent in November 2003. Major contributors to the decrease were the following sectors: leather products, footwear and wearing apparel, tobacco, furniture and fixtures, electrical machinery and chemical products (see Table 2-B).

Moreover, Volume of Net Sales on a month-on-month basis continued its downward trend with a 2.5 percent drop in November 2003 from a decrease of (revised) 0.3 percent recorded in the previous month. The decrease was attributed to the weak sales performance of the following sectors: furniture and fixtures, publishing and printing, basic metals, leather products, miscellaneous manufactures and petroleum products (see Table 2-B).

  • Producer Price Index (PPI) posts increasing rate

On a year-on-year basis, Producer Price Index (PPI) for total manufacturing exhibited an increase of 8.2 percent in November 2003. Footwear and wearing apparel led all sectors with a double-digit increment of 19.7 percent. Other sectors with double-digit increases were the following: chemical products, electrical machinery, paper and paper products, leather products, non-metalllic mineral products and petroleum products (see Table 5).

On a monthly basis, however, PPI for total manufacturing declined by 0.6 percent in November 2003. Sectors that contributed to the decrease were as follows: electrical machinery, footwear and wearing apparel, beverage, tobacco, textile and non-metalllic mineral products (see Table 5).

Figure 4

  • Capacity Utilization

Average capacity utilization in November 2003 for total manufacturing was estimated at 78.4 percent. Six (6) sectors posted more than 80 percent capacity utilization rate, as follows: machinery excluding electrical, miscellaneous manufactures, petroleum products, paper and paper products, basic metals and electrical machinery (see Table 6).

The proportion of responding establishments that operated at full capacity (90 percent-100 percent) in November 2003 was 13.5 percent. About 51.8 percent of the responding establishments operated at 70 percent-89 percent capacity and 34.7 percent of the establishments operated below 70 percent capacity.

Distribution of Key Manufacturing Establishments
by Capacity Utilization
Total Manufacturing, November 2003

(In percent)

            Capacity Utilization                      1994-based         
Below 50 percent 12.6
50 percent - 59 percent 7.4
60 percent - 69 percent 14.7
70 percent - 79 percent 23.4
80 percent - 89 percent 28.4
90 percent - 100 percent 13.5

                                            Note: Details may not add up to 100 due to rounding.

  • Response Rate

The response rate for November 2003 is 84.7 percent, which corresponds to the retrieval of 471 sample establishments' reports (see Table 7).

Response Rates for Total Manufacturing
(In percent)

          November 2003                     October 2003          
84.7 93.5

  • Technical Notes

Data of nonresponding sample establishments are estimated based on previous records and other available sources. Revisions to the preliminary estimates are done upon receipt of actual reports of late respondents.




TABLE 1-A. VALUE OF PRODUCTION INDEX, October - November 2003
(1994 =100)

                            Gainers                                       Year-on-Year Growth (percent)          
November 2003 October 2003

Basic metals






Chemical products



Food manufacturing



Rubber products



Miscellaneous manufactures



Publishing and printing*



Paper and paper products



Fabricated metal products*



Losers           Year-on-Year Growth (percent)          
November 2003 October 2003




Electrical machinery



Footwear and wearing apparel*



Transport equipment



Nonmetallic mineral products



Petroleum products



Wood and wood products



Furniture and fixtures



Leather products*






Machinery, excluding electrical*



TABLE 1-A. VALUE OF PRODUCTION INDEX, October - November 2003

                            Gainers                                   Month-on-Month Growth (percent)      
November 2003 October 2003

Food manufacturing



Fabricated metal products*






Paper and paper products



Basic metals



Machinery, excluding electrical*



Publishing and printing*



Chemical products



Losers       Month-on-Month Growth (percent)      
November 2003 October 2003

Petroleum products



Electrical machinery



Footwear and wearing apparel*






Transport equipment



Wood and wood products



Nonmetallic mineral products



Furniture and fixtures






Miscellaneous manufactures



Rubber products



Leather products*



Note: * - new sectors in the 1994-based series

Sectors are ranked according to their contribution to the overall 1994-based November 2003 growth rate.
Year-on-year growth rates are computed by dividing the current month index by previous year same month index less 1.
Month-on-month growth rates are computed by dividing the current month index by previous month index less 1.

TABLE 1-B. VOLUME OF PRODUCTION INDEX, October - November 2003
(1994 = 100)

                            Gainers                                       Year-on-Year Growth (percent)          
November 2003 October 2003

Basic metals

135.6 193.2


17.3 21.2

Rubber products

42.1 12.2

Publishing and printing*

14.2 2.2

Miscellaneous manufactures

14.2 12.2

Wood and wood products

10.3 34.5

Fabricated metal products*

3.1 -15.4
Losers           Year-on-Year Growth (percent)          
November 2003 October 2003

Electrical machinery

-24.7 -14.1

Petroleum products

-14.3 -7.6

Footwear and wearing apparel*

-42.1 -29.7

Chemical products

-13.6 -13.2


-50.6 -53.6

Transport equipment

-17.2 -4.3

Nonmetallic mineral products

-25.7 -30.9

Food manufacturing

-3.1 -13.5

Furniture and fixtures

-34.2 8.1

Paper and paper products

-8.9 -19.9

Leather products*

-93.8 -97.3


-2.0 5.1
Machinery, excluding electrical* -1.3 -2.2

TABLE 1-B. VOLUME OF PRODUCTION INDEX, October - November 2003

                            Gainers                                   Month-on-Month Growth (percent)      
November 2003 October 20033

Food manufacturing

4.5 10.5

Fabricated metal products*

19.5 -12.0


4.5 10.6

Paper and paper products

5.4 6.8

Machinery, excluding electrical*

5.4 -6.7

Publishing and printing*

3.1 3.6

Basic metals

0.6 -1.4
Losers           Month-on-Month Growth (percent)          
November 2003 October 2003

Petroleum products

-18.2 -11.9

Footwear and wearing apparel*

-12.3 -8.4

Electrical machinery

-4.3 11.7


-8.2 -0.7

Furniture and fixture

-38.3 4.2

Transport equipment

-2.7 -13.6

Wood and wood products

-13.4 -16.5

Miscellaneous manufactures

-6.1 1.7

Nonmetallic mineral products

-1.7 6.5


-1.1 5.3

Chemical products

-0.4 -2.4

Rubber products

-2.7 19.8

Leather products*

-7.5 -21.4

Note: * - new sectors in the 1994-based series

Sectors are ranked according to their contribution to the overall 1994-based November 2003 growth rate.
Year-on-year growth rates are computed by dividing the current month index by previous year same month index less 1.
Month-on-month growth rates are computed by dividing the current month index by previous month index less 1.

TABLE 2-A. VALUE OF NET SALES, October - November 2003

                            Gainers                                       Year-on-Year Growth (percent)          
November 2003 October 2003

Basic metals

148.4 91.6

Petroleum products

11.6 17.2

Nonmetallic mineral products

31.9 32.5

Chemical products

2.5 2.1


8.5 8.9

Machinery, excluding electrical*

18.7 15.2

Fabricated metal products*

8.9 4.2

Paper and paper products

7.5 -1.5


2.2 5.4

Publishing and printing*

7.9 26.7

Miscellaneous manufactures

4.8 13.0

Rubber products

3.9 -11.4
Losers           Year-on-Year Growth (percent)          
November 2003 October 2003

Footwear and wearing apparel*

-23.6 -10.2


-30.3 -33.7

Food manufacturing

-4.8 -8.3

Electrical machinery

-5.3 27.6

Wood and wood products

-29.1 -10.8

Transport equipments

-4.6 -13.3

Furniture and fixtures

-29.3 16.2

Leather products*

-100.0 -100.0

TABLE 2-A. VALUE OF NET SALES, October - November 2003 (concluded)

                            Gainers                                   Month-on-Month Growth (percent)      
November 2003 October 2003

Food manufacturing

2.3 4.6
Beverage 5.0 -1.3

Fabricated metal products*

12.7 -5.8

Machinery, excluding electrical*

8.8 -0.8

Transport equipments

1.6 -4.2

Paper and paper products

3.8 4.5


2.3 10.5

Nonmetallic mineral products

0.8 20.1
Losers       Month-on-Month Growth (percent)      
November 2003 October 2003

Petroleum products

-8.4 1.5

Basic metals

-14.4 29.3

Electrical machinery

-5.5 -14.7

Footwear and wearing apparel*

-8.2 -1.8

Publishing and printing*

-22.6 0.5


-7.5 -4.5

Furniture and fixtures

-32.2 17.0

Chemical products

-1.7 -5.3

Miscellaneous manufactures

-11.2 -2.9

Wood and wood products

-8.1 3.1

Leather products*

-14.7 17.0

Rubber products

-2.3 18.0

Note: * - new sectors in the 1994-based series

Sectors are ranked according to their contribution to the overall 1994-based November 2003 growth rate.
Year-on-year growth rates are computed by dividing the current month value of net sales by previous year same month value of net sales less 1.
Month-on-month growth rates are computed by dividing the current month value of net sales by previous month value of net sales less 1.

TABLE 2-B. VOLUME OF NET SALES, October - November 2003

                            Gainers                                       Year-on-Year Growth (percent)          
November 2003 October 2003

Basic metals

126.9 77.1
Nonmetallic mineral products 14.8 14.6

Machinery, excluding electrical*

17.3 13.8


6.8 6.6

Fabricated metal products*

7.1 2.2

Publishing and printing*

7.9 26.7

Rubber products

9.8 -6.0


0.3 2.9

Wood and wood products

1.1 34.2

Miscellaneous manufactures

0.8 9.0
Losers           Year-on-Year Growth (percent)          
November 2003 October 2003

Electrical machinery

-18.8 2.3

Food manufacturing

-9.8 -13.1

Chemical products

-14.3 -14.5

Footwear and wearing apparel*

-36.2 -28.1


-30.4 -33.8

Transport equipments

-6.8 -14.2

Furniture and fixtures

-30.2 14.8

Paper and paper products

-7.5 -14.9

Leather products*

-100.0 -100.0

Petroleum products

-0.7 7.4

TABLE 2-B. VOLUME OF NET SALES, October - November 2003 (concluded)

                            Gainers                                   Month-on-Month Growth (percent)      
November 2003 October 2003

Food manufacturing

1.7 4.2


5.3 -1.3

Fabricated metal products*

12.7 -5.8

Machinery, excluding electrical*

8.8 -0.8

Electrical machinery

0.8 -24.2

Transport equipments

1.4 -4.7

Paper and paper products

3.8 4.8


2.3 10.5

Nonmetallic mineral products

0.9 18.9
Losers       Month-on-Month Growth (percent)      
November 2003 October 2003

Petroleum products

-10.1 0.2

Basic metals

-15.3 28.9

Publishing and printing*

-22.6 0.5

Footwear and wearing apparel*

-6.3 -5.1

Chemical products

-2.3 -5.0


-7.3 -5.2

Furniture and fixtures

-32.5 17.1
Miscellaneous manufactures -11.7 -2.8

Wood and wood products

-8.1 7.3

Leather products*

-14.7 17.0

Rubber products

-2.7 18.0

Note: * - new sectors in the 1994-based series
1/ - Less than 0.1 percent decrease.

Sectors are ranked according to their contribution to the overall 1994-based November 2003 growth rate.
Year-on-year growth rates are computed by dividing the current month value of net sales by previous year same month value of net sales less 1.
Month-on-month growth rates are computed by dividing the current month value of net sales by previous month value of net sales less 1.

Source:   National Statistics Office
                 Manila, Philippines