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PSA Releases the 2012 Municipal and City Level Poverty Estimates

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The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) announces the release of the 2012 Municipal and City Level Poverty Estimates.  This set of estimates is part of the output of the Project on the generation of the 2012 Municipal and City Level Poverty Estimates implemented by the PSA funded by the Government of the Philippines.  It is a follow-up study to the earlier projects of the former National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB), which include 1) Poverty Mapping in the Philippines  funded  through  the  World  Bank  (WB)  –  Asia  Europe  Meeting  Trust Fund, 2) Intercensal Updating of Small Area Poverty Estimates, through the WB Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building, and the 3) Project on the Generation of 2006 and 2009 Small Area Estimates of Poverty with funding assistance from the WB, the Australian Government through the Australia – WB Philippines Development Trust Fund and the national government.  These projects resulted to the release of 2000, 2003, 2006 and 2009 poverty estimates for municipalities and cities using the small area estimation (SAE) technique.
Similar to the earlier efforts, the SAE methodology employed in the project combined survey and census data to produce reliable poverty estimates at lower levels of geographic disaggregation. The SAE methodology was based on the Elbers, Lanjouw and Lanjouw (ELL) methodology developed by the WB, which was modified to come up with estimates for intercensal years.
The 2012 SAE Project produces estimates for 1,646 municipalities and cities of which 123 are cities and 14 are the districts of the City of Manila. The corresponding standard errors, coefficients of variation (CV) and confidence intervals of these estimates were also provided for reference. The tables can be accessed through the following link: 2012 Small Area Estimates_final.xlsx