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Value of Production in Agriculture and Fisheries Contracted by -0.3 Percent in the First Quarter of 2022

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2022-200

The value of production in agriculture and fisheries at constant 2018 prices contracted by -0.3 percent in the first quarter of 2022. Poultry registered expansion during the period while crops, livestock, and fisheries posted declines in the value of production. (Table 2a and Figure 1)

Crops recorded a -1.6 percent drop. This accounted for 58.0 percent of the total value of production in agriculture and fisheries. Palay and corn decreased by -1.9 percent and -0.2 percent, respectively. (Tables 2a, 2b, and 3a)

Hog, the major contributor to the value of livestock production, decreased by -1.2 percent. This resulted in the decline of -1.0 percent of the total value of livestock production. Livestock shared 14.1 percent in the total value of production in agriculture and fisheries. (Tables 2a, 2c, and 3a)

Poultry production expanded by 12.3 percent. It contributed 15.0 percent to the total value of production in agriculture and fisheries. Except for duck, all poultry commodities posted increments in the value of production. (Tables 2a, 2c, and 3a)

Fisheries with 12.9 percent share in the total value of production in agriculture and fisheries dropped by -5.8 percent. Double-digit decreases were recorded by: mudcrab (alimango) at -24.8 percent, skipjack (gulyasan) at -20.2 percent, fimbriated sardines (tunsoy) at -13.5 percent, milkfish (bangus) at -12.7 percent, tiger prawn (sugpo) at -11.3 percent, and slipmouth (sapsap) at -10.0 percent. (Tables 2a, 2d, and 3a)

At current prices, the value of production in agriculture and fisheries which amounted to PhP 498.61 billion was 2.1 percent higher than the previous year’s level. (Tables 4a and 5a)


National Statistician and Civil Registrar General