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Gross Revenue Index of Industries grows by 8.3 percent in Q2 2018

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Gross Revenue Index grew by 8.3 percent in the second quarter of 2018. Top Industries that stimulated the growth were Finance, Manufacturing and Trade.

Finance registered the fastest growth with 13.5 percent. This was followed by Manufacturing with 8.9 percent; and Trade with 8.3 percent.

Employment Index increased by 1.1 percent. Electricity and Water posted 4.0 percent growth, followed by Trade with 2.4 percent; Private Services with 1.8 percent; Transportation and Communication with 1.4 percent; Manufacturing with 0.8 percent; and Finance with 0.04 percent. Meanwhile, Real Estate and Mining and Quarrying declined by 0.5 percent and 5.3 percent, respectively.

Compensation Index grew by 6.0 percent. Industries that contributed to the growth was led by Private Services which grew by 8.4 percent, followed by Real Estate with 7.7 percent; Electricity and Water with 7.6 percent; Manufacturing with 5.2 percent; Finance with 5.1 percent; Transportation and Communication with 4.2 percent; and Trade with 2.3 percent. On the other hand, Mining and Quarrying contracted by 2.7 percent.

Compensation per Employee Index grew by 4.8 percent. Industries with the highest growth were: Real Estate with 8.2 percent, Private Services with 6.5 percent, and Finance with 5.0 percent. However, Trade declined by 0.1 percent.

This report is based on the October 2018 issue of the Quarterly Economic Indices (QEI) of the Philippines. For the technical notes, please refer to

Assistant Secretary
(Deputy National Statistician)