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Reconstituting and Renaming the Inter-agency Committee on the Development of a Satellite Account on Tourism

Memorandum Order No. 11
Series of 2003

WHEREAS, the Inter-Agency Committee on the Development of a Satellite Account on Tourism (IACDSAT) was created through NSCB Memorandum Order No. 3, Series of 1997 to oversee the development of a satellite account on tourism for the country;

WHEREAS, in the course of developing the Philippine Tourism Satellite Account, it was realized that a coherent and comprehensive satellite account on tourism will require a well established tourism statistical system.;

WHEREAS, to support the compilation of the account, tourism statistics need to be improved in terms of adequacy, reliability, coverage, desired level of disaggregation and frequency;

WHEREAS, the mandate of the IACDSAT is focused solely on the development, institutionalization and the generation of a satellite account on tourism on a regular basis;

a) WHEREAS, it was recognized that there is a need to rename and reconstitute the membership of the Committee to include other agencies responsible for the generation and use of tourism statistics; and expand the terms of reference to address the concerns on the improvement of tourism statistics and tourism satellite account.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the IACDSAT be renamed to Inter-Agency Committee on Tourism Statistics (IACTS) and that its composition be amended as follows:


Secretary General
National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)


Planning, Product Development and Coordination
Department of Tourism (DOT)


National Statistics Office (NSO)
Asian Institute of Tourism (AIT)
University of the Philippines (UP)

Department of Economic Research
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP)

Bureau of Local Government Supervision
Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG)

Tourism Development Planning
Planning, Product Development and Coordination
Department of Tourism (DOT)

Trade, Industry and Utilities Staff
National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA)

Economic Statistics Office
National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)

Immigration Regulation
Bureau of Immigration (BI)

Economic Planning and Research Division
Civil Aeronautic Board (CAB)

Representative from the following Industry Associations:

Accommodation and Food Services
Hotel and Restaurant Association of the Philippines (HRAP)

Airline Industry
Board of Airline Representatives (BAR)

Tour Operators
Philippine Tour Operators Association (PHILTOA)

Travel Agencies
Philippine Travel Agencies Association (PTAA)

The functions of the Committee, as amended are:

  1. To provide direction in the institutionalization of the compilation of a Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) for the Philippines;

  2. To provide guidance and direction in the generation of tourism statistics in the country;

  3. To provide advice in the development and maintenance of appropriate statistical standards and classification systems relative to tourism; and,

  4. To review and evaluate current, as well as emerging, issues and/or concerns encountered in the generation of tourism statistics and compilation of the TSA and serve as a forum in resolving such issues and/or concerns.

The membership of the IAC may be increased or decreased, as the exigencies of its work require, provided that the NSCB Secretary General shall authorize it. Furthermore, the Committee may create Technical Working Groups and/or Task Forces as the need arises, to assist in the exercise of its functions. A technical and secretariat staff, which shall be drawn from the NSCB personnel, shall be provided to the Committee.

The NSCB Secretary General shall issue the necessary guidelines for the committee activities, reports and recommendations. The IAC shall submit to the Secretary General its work programs and periodic reports on the progress of its work, including the findings and recommendations on the issues referred to it.

This Memorandum Order takes effect on 13 October 2003.