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Three babies born every minute in 2009

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2011-79

About three babies born every minute

There were 1,745,585 live births registered in 2009.The figure decreased by 38,731 or 2.2 percent from the 1,784,316 live births reported in 2008. An average of 4,782 births occurred daily which is around 199 births per hour, or three babies per minute.

The top three regions with the highest number of live births were in Luzon area. These are Region IVA - CALABARZON with 266,688 live births (15.3 percent of the total), followed by National Capital Region with 265,774 (15.2% of the total), and Region III - Central Luzon with 204,148 (11.7% of the total).

Crude Birth Rate declined by 0.8 percentage points

The Crude Birth Rate (CBR) decreased from 19.7 per 1,000 mid-year population in 2008 to 18.9 per 1,000 mid-year population this year. About nine (9) out of 17 regions in the country had a CBR value greater than the national CBR.

All regions decreased in the CBR value except for Region XI, where it increased from 19.3 in 2008 to 20.1 in 2009. The biggest decrease was in Region IX, from CBR value of 16.5 in 2008 to 14.2 in 2009.

Three out of four births are medically attended

Around three-fourths (74.0%) of the total births in the country were medically attended either by a physician, a nurse or a midwife. The percentage of medically attended births increased from previous year's value of 70.9 percent.

More than half or about or four (4) out of the seven (7) births attended by health professionals were under the care of physicians (736,173 or 42.2%).

Four in every ten babies are born illegitimate

Around four in every ten babies were born illegitimate. This is about 711,079 or 40.7 percent of the total births recorded. Out of the total 711,079 illegitimate babies more than half or 64.6 are recorded in Luzon.

One for every ten births are born to teen-age mothers

About 195,662 (11.2%) live births were born to mothers under 20 years old. This means that one for every ten births was mothered by teen-agers.

On the other hand three out ten babies were sired by mothers aged 20-24. This proportion of births was the biggest among those were sired by mothers in 5-year age groups. The median age for mothers giving birth was 27.0 years.

Explanatory Notes: Data on births in this press release were obtained from the Certificates of Live Birth (Municipal Form 102), which were transmitted by the City/Municipal Civil Registrars all throughout the country to the National Statistics Office. Statistics presented include only those births which occurred in 2009 and were registered from January 2009 to March 2010. Births that were registered after March 2010 and those that were not registered at all were not included.