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Subclasses under Class 8412

Subclass Description Subclass Code
Regulation of the activities of providing health care, education, cultural services and other social services, excluding social security

This class includes:

Public administration of programs aimed to increase personal well-being :








social services

Public administration of R&D policies and associated funds for these areas.

This class also includes :

Sponsoring of recreational and cultural activities

Distribution of public grants to artists

Administration of potable water supply programs

Administration of waste collection and disposal operations

Administration of environmental protection programs

Administration of housing programs

This class excludes :

Sewage, refuse disposal and remediation activities, see division 37, 38 39;

Compulsory social security activities, see 8430;

Education activities, see division 85;

Human health-related activities, see division 86;

Activities of libraries and public archives, (private, public or government operated) see 9101;

Operation of museums and other cultural institutions, see 9102;

Sporting or other recreational activities, see division 93.