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Efforts in improving the environmental quality together with strengthening competitiveness by the Philippine government lead the performance of the current administration for its six-year term from 2017 to 2022 as presented in the results of the compilation of the 2020 Statistical Indicators on Philippine Development (StatDev 2020).

StatDev 2020 features 300 indicators covering the 14 publicly available Philippine Development Plan (PDP) sectoral chapters. Considering the latest available data one year or so following the baseline year, 126 indicators showed high likelihood; 33 showed medium likelihood; and 141 showed low likelihood of achieving their respective targets in 2022.

The following are the highlights of the StatDev 2020 across sectors in the PDP, ranked by performance:

Overall performance 

Majority (53.0%) of the 300 indicators covered in the StatDev 2020 posted either high or medium likelihood of achieving the target at the fourth year of the medium term development plan.

Among the 14 sectors, 10 sectors had at least half of their respective indicators exhibiting high or medium likelihood of achieving the target in 2022.

The coverage of protected areas in relation to marine areas had exceeded its target of 0.76 percent in 2022 with 1.42 percent in 2020. Moreover, the total accumulated area planted with mangroves from 2017-2020 already reached 4,130 hectares which far exceeds the end-of-plan target of 1,974 hectares.

The proportion of completed studies on competition law and economics of major academic and research institutions (11.01%) was almost thrice the target of 4.0 percent in 2022. An increase of 1.61 percentage points was registered from the 9.40 percent in 2019 to 11.01 percent in 2020.

Similarly, the annual number of competition policy-related training programs for executive agencies that was conducted by 2020 surpassed its end-of-plan target of 12.

Industry and Services
The number of consumer awareness and advocacy initiatives placed at 11,016 and the number of consumer education, information and communication materials at 1,587 have already surpassed their respective 750 and 378 targets by 2022. Likewise, consumer complaints resolution rate exceeded its target of 90.0 percent by achieving 99.0 percent in 2020.

The percentile rank of the Philippines in the World Justice Project (WJP) Rule of Law Index: Civil Justice indicator advanced from 21.43 in 2019 to 28.13 in 2020, surpassing the end-of-plan target of 27.00.

However, in the WJP Rule of Law Index: Criminal Justice indicator, the country was still way behind the end-of-plan target of 29.00 despite an increase in the percentile rank of the country from 10.32 in 2019 to 12.50 in 2020.


In 2020, inflation was posted at low and stable rate of 2.6 which is within the range of the end-of-plan target.

On the other hand, the international remittance costs as a proportion of the remitted amount placed at 3.8 percent in 2020 was higher than the 2022 target of less than 3.0 percent, but it registered a year-on-year decrease from 4.1 percent in 2019.

Human Capital Development

The year-on-year increases in the percentage of tertiary graduates in science, engineering, manufacturing and construction from 38.0 percent in 2019 to 42.0 percent in 2020, and in the percentage of expanded tertiary education equivalency and accreditation program graduates from 49.0 percent in 2019 to 64.0 percent in 2020 indicated achievement of their targets of 40.0 percent and 60.0 percent, respectively, by 2022.

However, from 2017 to 2020, the number of higher education policies formulated to produce work-ready higher education graduates was only  16 or 26.7 percent of the end-of-plan target of 60.

Demographic Dividend

Although there was a drop of 0.6 percentage points in the certification rate of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) graduates  among 15-24 years old from 94.3 percent in 2019 to 93.7 percent in 2020, it still surpassed the 92.0 percent target in 2022.

On the contrary, the increase of 1.5 percentage points in youth unemployment, from 13.6 percent in 2019 to 15.1 percent in 2020, has widened the gap by almost 50.0 percent towards reaching the end-of-plan target of 8.0 percent in 2022.


With regards to the power/energy, the end-of-plan target power requirements in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao were met in 2020.

On the other hand, despite of an increase to 7,617 megawatts (MW) in the renewable energy capacity in 2020, from 7,399 MW in 2019, the likelihood of attaining the 13,014 MW target in 2022 is still considered low.

Significant loss was likewise noted for both the international and domestic flights (round-trip flights) attributed to COVID-19 pandemic, specifically, in NAIA which was the largest airport in the country in 2020.


In terms of the number of provinces, cities, and municipalities (PCMs) that were fully disclosing financial documents to the public, the performance of the PCMs already exceeded end-of-plan targets.

On the contrary, the percentile rank in Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI)  fell short of the target. In addition, the national government agencies that were fully compliant with Transparency Seal was posted at 86.0 percent in 2020, indicating a -2.0 percentage points decrease from 88.0 percent in 2019.

Culture and Values

From 2017 to 2020, the number of regional development plans remained at 17 which was also its end-of-plan target.

Conversely, in 2020, the 8 reported number of documentations conducted on indigenous knowledge systems and practices; and the 12 percentage of provinces, cities, and municipalities with Indigenous Peoples Mandatory Representation (IPMR), both showed an increase but still far from reaching their respective targets of 1,341 and 56.5 percent in 2022.

Science and Technology
Both of the indicators: number of Filipino industrial designs registered, and number of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) graduates in Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) already passed the 50.0 percent mark of their end-of-plan target. However, the number of Technology Business Incubators (TBI) graduates from 2017 to 2020 was only 18.8 percent (188) of the 1,000 target.
Social Protection
For social safety nets in 2020, the number of deaths and the number of missing persons due to natural and human-induced disasters placed at 257 and 56, respectively, were way far from the end-of-plan target of zero.
Moreover, the number of OFW membership to OWWA declined to 710,837 in 2020 from 1,375,015 in 2019, rendering a shortfall of 1.20 million from the target value. Likewise, the percentage of population covered by social health insurance posted at 87.0 percent is still short of the full 100.0 percent target coverage.
Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries

Majority of the indicators under the sector showed low likelihoods of achieving the 2022 target. For instance, out of 12 major commodities, only sugarcane and abaca posted medium likelihoods, while the rest had low likelihoods of achieving their target yield.

In addition, due to the travel and mass gathering restrictions brought about by community quarantine policies which limited the conduct of on-ground and/or organized group training and other capacity building activities as programmed, the number of small farmer/fisherfolk organizations that participated in institutional capacity building on innovative financing was 198 which was way below the target of 1,325.

Shelter and Housing

Although there is a low likelihood of reaching the target in 2022, the indicator “proportion of low-cost housing targets met to housing needs”  was registered at 5.27 percent which almost hit the 5.50 percent target.

On the other hand, a major decrease was observed in the indicator “proportion of socialized housing met to housing needs” which posted a value of 8.38 percent compared to its target of 16.53 percent.

The StatDev is a statistical indicator system that provides a comparison of actual sectoral accomplishments with the corresponding targets indicated in the PDP 2017-2022 Results Matrices (PDP-RM) for easier appreciation by planners, evaluators, and other stakeholders.
National Statistician and Civil Registrar General

The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) developed the Statistical Indicators on Philippine Development (StatDev) to monitor the likelihood of achieving the economic and social development goals set forth in the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) prepared by the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA). The StatDev 2020 is anchored on the PDP 2017-2022. Based on the PDP Results Matrices (PDP-RM), strategies and programs have been identified to get the country moving toward sustained growth. Targets have been set for these strategies against which the development efforts of the government will be measured vis-à-vis the Plan. From the measurable outputs/targets in the PDP-RM, the PSA compiled data for the key indicators by sector. However, due to data unavailability, not all the strategies or targets in the PDP are covered in the StatDev.

Actual data were requested directly from source agencies and other PSA operating units. Additional data were also obtained from the agency websites and publications, e.g., Annual Reports of source agencies, among others.

For most indicators, the tracking method used in monitoring the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) was adopted. In particular,

The computed values are then used as basis for rating the likelihood of achieving the target based on the following ranges: 


 High More than 0.9The chance of attaining the target is high and, thus, the target is likely to be achieved.
 Medium 0.5 to 0.9The chance of attaining the target is medium and, thus, the target may or may not be achieved.
 Low Less than 0.5The chance of attaining the target is low and, thus, the target is not likely to be achieved.


It is important to note that an indicator with low likelihood of achieving the target does not necessarily mean that the end-of-plan target will not be met. The likelihood serves as an indicator that the actual growth rate from the baseline to the latest data given the number of years elapsed is relatively low for the required growth rate from the baseline to the end-of-plan target given the number of years covered. The likelihood may improve as the actual data improve in succeeding years.

To assess the progress of each sector in achieving the end-of-plan targets of its respective indicators, the following threshold were considered:


Sectoral ProgressIconInterpretation
GoodThe percentage of indicators included in StatDev 2020 which posted low likelihood of achieving their respective end-of-plan targets is at most 33.3 percent.
AverageThe percentage of indicators included in StatDev 2020 which posted low likelihood of achieving their respective end-of-plan targets is more than 33.3 percent but at most 50.0 percent.
PoorThe percentage of indicators included in StatDev 2020 which posted low likelihood of achieving their respective end-of-plan targets is more than 50.0 percent.


Here, it should be noted that poor sectoral progress does not necessarily mean that the concerned agencies under the sector performed poorly. The sectoral progress is affected by two factors, namely:  number of indicators considered and latest available data for the indicators. A poor sectoral progress may still improve in subsequent years during the plan period with the changes/updates in the sector.


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