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Retail Price Index of Selected Construction Materials in the National Capital Region (2000=100) : January 2016


On an annual basis, the Construction Materials Retail Price Index (CMRPI) in the National Capital Region (NCR) further dropped by 0.9 percent in January 2016.
Proclamation No. 647


September 20, 1990 Declaring the Month of October of Every Year as the National Statistics Month
The Philippine Statistical Act of 2013


December 11, 2013 An Act Reorganizing the Philippine Statistical System, repealing for the purpose Executive Order Numbered One Hundred Twenty-one, entitled "Reorganizing and Strengthening the Philippine Statistical System and for Other Purposes."
PSA Releases the Primer on the Philippine Statistical Development Program (PSDP) 2011-2017 Update


The Philippine Statistical Development Program (PSDP) 2011-2017 Update Primer is now available on the PSA website.

Construction Materials Wholesale Price Index in the National Capital Region (2000=100) : January 2016


On an annual basis, the Construction Materials Wholesale Price Index (CMWPI) in the National Capital Region (NCR) picked up 0.8 percent in January 2016.
Employment Situation in July 2015 (Final Results)


The population 15 years old and over in July 2015 is estimated at 66.6 million (Table 1). Of this number, 41.9 million were in the labor force (Table 2 and Table 3). The labor force consists of the employed and the unemployed persons. The labor…
General Wholesale Price Index (1998=100) : December 2015


The year-on-year change of General Wholesale Price Index (GWPI) at the national level continued to drop as it registered -0.7 percent in December 2015.
Interagency Committees on Statistics


Republic Act No.

Total Gross Revenue Index of Industries grew by 4.3% in Q3 2015


Total Gross Revenue Index grew by 4.3 percent in the 3rd quarter of 2015, slower than the 10.1 percent growth posted last year. This performance was led by Transportation and Communication, Private Services, Finance, and Real Estate.
External Trade Performance: December 2015


The total imported goods by the country for the month of December 2015 amounted to $4.056 billion, a decrease of 25.8 percent from $5.470 billion recorded during the same period a year ago.