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Urban Women Bear Less Children in Their Lifetime Than Rural Women (Results from the 2011 Family Health Survey )


The total fertility rate (TFR) of women in urban areas averages at 2.7 children per woman (Table 1). The figure was lower than the average of 3.6 children per woman for those in rural areas. TFR is interpreted as the number of births a woman could…
Construction:ASPBI2010 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry - Construction Sector for Establishments with Total Employment of 20 and Over : Preliminary Results


The preliminary results of the 2010 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry revealed that there were 713 establishments with total employment of 20 and over engaged in construction activities (Table 1).
2010 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry - Private Education for Establishments with Total Employment of 20 and Over : Preliminary Results


Majority of establishments are engaged in secondary/high school education The 2010 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry (ASPBI) covered a total of 3,012 establishments with total employment of 20 and over for Private Education. As…
2010 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry - Financial and Insurance Activities for Establishments with Total Employment of 20 and Over : Preliminary Results


Monetary intermediation industry dominates the sector Preliminary results of the 2010 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry (ASPBI) showed that the Philippines had a total of 648 establishments with Total Employment of 20 and over…
2010 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry - Mining and Quarrying Sector for Establishments with Total Employment of 20 and Over : Preliminary Results


The 2010 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry (ASPBI) conducted nationwide covered a total of 75 Mining and Quarrying establishments with total employment of 20 and over. Majority of these establishments were engaged in mining of non-…
2010 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry - Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply Sector for Establishments with Total Employment of 20 and Over : Preliminary Results


The 2010 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry (ASPBI) covered a total of 202 Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air conditioning supply establishments with total employment of 20 and over. Of the total count of establishments, 196 or 97…
Commodity Flow in the Philippines : Second Quarter 2012 (Preliminary Results)


Quantity and value of domestic trade grows The total quantity of domestic trade transactions increased by 31.6 percent from 3.70 million tons reported in the second quarter of 2011 to 4.87 million tons in the same period of 2012. The commodities…
2010 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry - Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing for Establishments with Total Employment of 20 and Over : Preliminary Results


About 776 Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing establishments with total employment of 20 and over in business operation nationwide were covered in the 2010 Annual Survey of Philippine and Business and Industry.
Construction Statistics from Approved Building Permits for the Year 2011


New construction projects from approved building permits for the year 2011 totaled to 112,881. This number registered a minimal decrease of 0.3 percent compared to 113,230 approved applications reported in 2010
Construction Statistics from Approved Building Permits : Second Quarter 2012 (Preliminary Results)


The total number of new construction projects from approved building permits nationwide reached 30,614 during the second quarter of 2012. This number registered an increase of 11.2 percent compared to 27,525 construction projects during the same…