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Construction Materials Wholesale Price Index in the National Capital Region (2000=100) : July 2011


The monthly growth of wholesale price index of selected construction materials in the National Capital Region (NCR) was recorded at 0.3 percent in July, the same rate posted in June.
Merchandise Export Performance : June 2011


Export earnings in June 2011 went down by 10.2 percent from $4.557 billion to $4.092 billion recorded during the same period of the previous year. Month-on-month, it fell by 0.4 percent from $4.108 billion in May 2011. Total receipts from…
Producer Price Survey : June 2011


The Producer Price Index (PPI, 2000=100) for the manufacturing sector climbed to 3 percent in June 2011, according to the preliminary results of the monthly Producer Price Survey. Eleven major sectors posted increments with significant growths…
Summary Inflation Report Consumer Price Index (2000=100) : July 2011





Year-on-Year Inflation Rates, All Items 

Seasonally Adjusted Consumer Price Index (2000=100) : July 2011


The seasonally adjusted CPI of FBT items in NCR and AONCR correspondingly picked up to 160.4 and 176.2 in July from their respective June levels of 160.0 and 175.8.
General Retail Price Index in the National Capital Region (2000=100) : June 2011


On a monthly basis, the General Retail Price Index (GRPI) in the National Capital Region (NCR) posted a zero growth in June from -0.8 percent in May. This was due to the off-setting monthly rates recorded in the indices: manufactured goods…
Summary Inflation Report Consumer Price Index (2006=100) : July 2011


The annual headline inflation at the national level eased to 5.1 percent in July from 5.2 percent in June. This was primarily due to the slower annual increase in the heavily weighted food and non-alcoholic beverages index. Deceleration in the…
2008 Annual Survey on Philippine Business and Industry (ASPBI) Preliminary Results Economy-Wide Total Employment of 20 and Over


This Special Release presents the Philippine economy-wide statistics for establishments with Total Employment (TE) of 20 and over based on the preliminary results of the 2008 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry (ASPBI)
General Wholesale Price Index (1998=100) : May 2011


On an annual basis, the movement of the General Wholesale Price Index (GWPI) at the national level eased to 10.0 percent in May from 10.7 percent in April.
Total Gross Revenue Index of Industries Grew by 7.4 percent in Q1 2011


Total Gross Revenue Index of industries grew by in the first quarter of 2011. However, this was lower than the growth registered in the previous year, as all of the sectors except Transportation and Communication reported slower growths during the…