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Merchandise Export Performance : March 1999


Aggregate merchandise export receipts for the first quarter of 1999 grew by 15.2 percent to $7.850 billion from $6.816 billion in 1998. For March 1999, total dollar inflows went up by 9.1 percent to $2.699 billion from $2.474 billion a year earlier…
External Trade Performance : February 1999


Total trade in goods for the first two months of 1999 amounted to $9.803 billion which was 0.4 percent higher than $9.765 billion last year. Purchases of foreign-made merchandise dropped by 14.2 percent to $4.653 billion from $5.423 billion a year…
Summary Inflation Report Consumer Price Index (1994=100) : March 1999


Inflation in food, beverages and tobacco (FBT) slowed to 9.2 percent in March from 11.2 percent in February; services, 9.0 percent from 9.9 percent; miscellaneous items, 6.7 percent from 7.5 percent; and clothing, 7.5 percent from 8.1 percent. The…
Merchandise Export Performance : February 1999


Aggregate revenue from merchandise exports remained on the upswing as the two-month dollar inflow grew by 18.6 percent to $5.148 billion from $4.342 billion in 1998. For February, total receipts amounted to $2.567 billion which was 15.2 percent…
Commodity Flow in the Philippines : 1997


Value of domestic trade reaches P307.76 billion In 1997, the total value of merchandise goods traded within the country amounted to P307.76 billion, posting a slight increase of 1.2 percent from P304.06 billion recorded in the previous year. The…
Monthly Integrated Survey of Selected Industries : January 1999


Preliminary results of the Monthly Integrated Survey of Selected Industries (MISSI) for January 1999 indicated that the year-on-year declines in the value and volume of production in manufacturing have been slowing down since November 1998.
External Trade Performance : January 1999


With higher export revenues, total merchandise trade for January 1999 grew by 0.5 percent to $4.976 billion from $4.953 billion a year earlier. This uptick comes after seven consecutive months of decline. Export receipts went up by 22.0 percent to $…
Merchandise Export Performance : January 1999


Aggregate receipts for January 1999 from merchandise exports grew by 22.0 percent to $2.581 billion from $2.115 billion a year earlier.
Philippine Labor Force Survey: January 1999


Labor force in January 1999 increased by 3.1 percent to 31.2 million from 30.2 million last year with 679 thousand addition to the employed and 249 thousand increment to the unemployed.