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Approving the Official Methodology for the Estimation of First Semester Provincial Poverty Statistics
Adoption of the Interim Methodology for School-Age Population Estimates at the National and Subnational Levels for 2008 to 2016 for the Department of Education
Approving the Refinements ion the Official Poverty Estimation Methodology
Approving the Estimation Methodologies for the Compilation of the Philippine National Health Accounts
Rebasing of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the Bottom 30% Income Households from Base Year 2000 to Base Year 2012 and with Some Revisions in the Methodology
Approving and Adopting the Official Methodology for Generating Annual Labor and Employment Estimates
Approving the Interim Modifications in the Official Estimation Methodology for the 2003 Poverty Statistics
Adoption of the Methodology used in Generating
the 2000 Census of Population and Housing-Based National Population Projections
Adoption of an Official Definition and Methodology of Core Inflation
Approving the Proposed Methodology for Computation of Provincial Poverty Statistics
Approval and Adoption of the Statistical Framework and Glossary Related to the Protection of Women and Children
Approval and Adoption of the Statistical Framework on Gender and Development Indicators System
Approving and Adopting the Official Concepts and Definitions for Statistical Purposes of Wholesale and Retail Trade and the Methodology In Computing Wholesale Trade Sales Index and Retail Trade Sales Index
Approving the Methodology for Compiling the Philippine Tourism Satellite Accounts
Approving the Estimation Methodology for the 2006-Based Consumer Price Index for the Bottom 30 Percent Income Group Households
Approving the Methodology for the Generation of
Poverty Statistics for the Basic Sectors

Approving the Model-Based Estimation Methodology for the Annual Food and Poverty Thresholds
Approving the Methodology for the Generation of the Philippine Labor Index
Computation of Annual Poverty Thresholds In-Between FIES Years and Measures of the Depth and Severity of Poverty
Adopting the Methodology used in Generating City/Municipality Population Projections, 1995-2010