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Seasonally Adjusted Rice Production and Prices, April-June 2017


The seasonally adjusted palay production for April-June 2017 was 4. 78 million metric tons, slightly higher by 0.55 percent from the 4. 75 million metric tons output in the first quarter of 2017. The increment in production was due to higher yield…
Performance of Philippine Agriculture, April-June 2017


Agriculture grew by 6.18 percent in the second quarter of 2017. The crops and poultry subsectors recorded output increases of 11.72 percent and 8.36 percent, respectively. On the other hand, livestock production went down by 1.38 percent. The…
Retail Price Index of Selected Construction Materials in the National Capital Region (2000=100) : July 2017


The annual change of the Construction Materials Retail Price Index (CMRPI) in the National Capital Region (NCR) picked up by 1.1 percent in July 2017.
General Wholesale Price Index (1998=100) : June 2017


The annual increase of the General Wholesale Price Index (GWPI) at the national level further slowed downto1.6 percent in June 2017.
Construction Materials Wholesale Price Index in the National Capital Region (2000=100) : July 2017


On an annual basis, the Construction Materials Wholesale PriceIndex (CMWPI) in the National Capital Region (NCR)picked upby1.7percent in July 2017.
Monthly Integrated Survey of Selected Industries : June 2017


Value of Production Index (VaPI) for manufacturing posted year-on-year increase of 5.1 percent in June 2017, according to the preliminary results of the Monthly Integrated Survey of Selected Industries (MISSI).
Highlights of the Philippine Export and Import Statistics : June 2017


The country’s total external trade in goods in June 2017 reached $11.97 billion, a decrease of 1.2 percent from $12.12 billion recorded in June 2016.
Rice and Corn Stocks Inventory, 01 July 2017


The total rice stock inventory as of July 1, 2017 was 2,347.90 thousand metric tons (Figure 1). This was 14.08 percent below the 2,732.73 thousand metric tons level in July 2016 and 8.75 percent lower than the previous month’s inventory level of 2,…
2015 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry (ASPBI) - Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities Sector for Establishments with Total Employment of 20 and Over: Preliminary Results


The 2015 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry (ASPBI) covered a total of 339 establishments with total employment (TE) of 20 and over engaged in water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities.
Summary Inflation Report Consumer Price Index (2006=100) : July 2017


The headline inflation at the national level went up by 2.8 percent in July 2017. It was posted at 2.7 percent in the previous month and 1.9 percent in July 2016. Higher annual increments were registered in the indices of the following commodity…