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Construction Materials Wholesale Price Index in the National Capital Region (2000=100) : May 2012


The monthly growth of the wholesale price index of selected construction materials in the National Capital Region dropped by -0.3 percent in May from 0.7 percent in April.
Seasonally Adjusted Consumer Price Index (2006=100) : May 2012


The monthly growth of the seasonally adjusted CPI for all items at the national level improved to 0.2 percent in May from 0.4 percent in April.
Summary Inflation Report Consumer Price Index (2006=100) : May 2012


The country's annual headline inflation rate settled to 2.9 percent in May from 3.0 percent in April. It resulted from the slower annual growth rates in the indices of housing, water, electricity, gas, and other fuels; health; transport; and…
Unmet Need for Family Planning Remains High (Results from the 2011 Family Health Survey)


The 2011 Family Health Survey (FHS) results reveal that unmet need for family planning (FP) among married women in the Philippines remains high at 19.3 percent, 10.5 percent for birth spacing and 8.8 percent for limiting births. In the 2006 Family…
External Trade Performance : March 2012


Total external trade in goods for March 2012 reached $9.694 billion, representing a 2.2 percent decrease from $9.909 billion recorded during the same month in 2011. This was due to the 3.3 percent downward trend of total imports from $5.553 billion…
Retail Price Index of Selected Construction Materials in the National Capital Region (2000=100) : April 2012


The monthly change of the retail price index of selected construction materials in the National Capital Region (NCR) went up at a slower rate of 0.3 percent in April from 0.6 percent in March. The increase in electrical materials index eased to 0.3…
General Wholesale Price Index (1998=100) : March 2012


The year-on-year growth rate of the General Wholesale Price Index (GWPI) in the country went up to 2.6 percent in March from 2.5 percent in February.
Monthly Integrated Survey of Selected Industries : March 2012


Value of Production Index (VaPI) for total manufacturing gained further as it posted a two-digit increment of 11.0 percent in March 2012, according to the preliminary results of the Monthly Integrated Survey of Selected Industries (MISSI). Fourteen…
General Retail Price Index in the National Capital Region (2000=100) : March 2012


On a monthly basis, the General Retail Price Index (GRPI) in the National Capital Region (NCR) went up 0.3 percent in March from a decline of -0.3 percent in February. The monthly adjustment in crude materials index increased to 0.3 percent in March…
Merchandise Export Performance : March 2012


Export earnings in March 2012 which amounted to $4.302 billion went down by 1.2 percent from $4.356 billion recorded in March of 2011. Similarly, on a monthly basis, it decreased by 2.9 percent from $4.430 billion posted in February 2012. Aggregate…