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Monthly Integrated Survey of Selected Industries : May 2012


Value of Production Index (VaPI) for total manufacturing increased at a slower rate of 4.7 percent in May 2012, according to the preliminary results of the Monthly Integrated Survey of Selected Industries (MISSI). This was attributed to the…
Retail Price Index of Selected Construction Materials in the National Capital Region (2000=100) : June 2012


The monthly change in the retail price index of selected construction materials in (NCR) picked up to 1.9 percent in June from -0.1 percent in May. This resulted from the upward movements in carpentry and painting materials indices at 0.1 percent…
Construction Materials Wholesale Price Index in the National Capital Region (2000=100) : June 2012


Compared to May 2012, the monthly rate of change in the CMWPI further dropped to -0.8 percent in June from -0.3 percent. The index for fuels and lubricants declined by -6.4 percent from -3.2 percent and doors, jambs and steel casement index, -0.1…
Merchandise Export Performance : May 2012


Export earnings in May 2012 amounting to $4.931 billion went up by 19.7 percent from $4.119 billion recorded in May of 2011. Similarly, on a monthly basis, it increased by 6.4 percent from $4.635 billion posted in April 2012. Moreover, aggregate…
General Retail Price Index in the National Capital Region (2000=100) : May 2012


Compared to April 2012, the GRPI in NCR dropped by -0.1 percent in May from 0.2 percent in April. This can be attributed to the continuous decline in mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials index at -3.6 percent in May from -0.7 percent in…
Producer Price Survey : May 2012


Producer Price Index (PPI, 2000=100) for the manufacturing sector picked up to 1.6 percent in May 2012 from 1.5 percent in April, according to the preliminary results of the monthly Producer Price Survey. The uptick can be attributed to the…
Seasonally Adjusted Consumer Price Index (2006=100) : June 2012


The month-on-month growth rate of the seasonally adjusted CPI for all items at the national level inched up 0.4 percent in June from 0.3 percent in May. It resulted from upward movements in the seasonally adjusted CPI for housing, water, electricity…
Summary Inflation Report Consumer Price Index (2006=100) : June 2012


The year-on-year headline inflation rate in the Philippines further dipped to 2.8 percent in June from 2.9 percent in May. The downtrend was brought about by the slower annual increments posted in the indices of alcoholic beverages and tobacco;…
Construction Statistics from Approved Building Permits : First Quarter 2012 (Preliminary Results)


The country’s private construction projects authorized by building permits in the first quarter of 2012 totaled to 29,585. This reflects a 4.4 percent annual increase from 28,347 construction projects during the same quarter in 2011…
Commodity Flow in the Philippines : First Quarter 2012 (Preliminary Results)


The total quantity of domestic trade transactions in the first quarter of 2012 increased by 4.7 percent, resulting to 4.73 million tons from 4.51 million tons reported during the same period of last year. The commodities were traded mostly through…