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Merchandise Export Performance : December 2008


Export earnings in December 2008 dropped by 40.4 percent to $2.672 billion from $4.482 billion in December 2007. The same was true with the previous month’s level, where a 23.9 percent decrease was noted from $3.513 billion.…
Producer Price Survey : December 2008


Producer Price Index maintains single-digit growth The Producer Price Index (PPI, 2000=100) for the manufacturing industry grew at a slower rate of 7.5 percent in December 2008, compared with the year ago level, according to the preliminary results…
2006 Family Income and Expenditure Survey (Final Results)


In 2006, the average annual family income of Filipino families (P173 thousand) was 16.8 percent higher than the 2003 estimated average of P148 thousand. Correspondingly, the average annual family expenditure of families increased from P124 thousand…
Summary Inflation Report Consumer Price Index (2000=100) : January 2009


The continued negative annual growth recorded in the fuel, light and water (FLW) index along with deceleration in the annual price increments of all the other commodity groups further pushed down the country’s year-on-year headline inflation rate to…
Seasonally Adjusted Consumer Price Index (2000=100) : January 2009


The seasonally adjusted CPI of FBT in NCR and AONCR respectively went up to 150.0 and 161.1 in January from their corresponding December levels of 147.9 and 160.6.
Total Housing Expenditure Increase by 21.3 Percent (Results from the 2006 Family Income and Expenditure Survey Final Results)


Total housing expenditure in 2006 was estimated at P340.6 billion indicating an increase of 21.3 percent over the 2003 estimate of P280.8 billion. Of the P340.6 billion reported housing expenditure, 12.7 percent went to rent/rental value of house…
Construction:CPBI2006 Census of Philippine Business and Industry (CPBI) - Construction for Establishments with Average Total Employment (ATE) of 20 and Over : Preliminary Results


Based on the preliminary results of the 2006 Census of Philippine Business and Industry (CPBI) conducted nationwide, there were a total of 648 construction establishments with average total employment (ATE) of 20 and over.
Construction Statistics from Approved Building Permits : Third Qaurter 2008 (Preliminary Results)


Approved building permit applications increases by 6.1 percent Approved building permit applications nationwide was 22,817 during the third quarter of 2008, registering an increase of 6.1 percent compared with 21,513 applications received during…
External Trade Performance : November 2008


Total external trade in goods for January to November 2008 reached $99.695 billion, a 3.3 percent increment from $96.497 billion during the 11-month period in 2007. This is due to the 5.6 percent growth of the total imports to $53.345 billion from $…
Monthly Integrated Survey of Selected Industries : November 2008


Value of Production posts slower growth in November 2008 Value of Production Index (VaPI) for the manufacturing industry grew at a slower rate of 1.4 percent in November 2008 compared with the year-ago figure, according to the preliminary results…