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Merchandise Export Performance : April 2001


Receipts from merchandise exports for January to April 2001 fell by 4.1 percent to $10.810 billion from $11.275 billion during the same period last year. Aggregate receipts for April 2001 declined by 15.8 percent to $2.246 billion from $2.668…
Functional Literacy


In 1994, NCR had a 92.4 percent FLR, a slight 1.8 percentage point improve-ment from the 1989 level of 90.6 percent. Like in simple literacy, NCR was ranked first in functional literacy in both years but its increment was the lowest among regions.…
Highlights of the 1998 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey (APIS)


Of the 14.37 million families, 5.75 million belonged to the lowest 40% income group while 8.62 million in the highest 60% income bracket. In terms of percentage to total families, families in the highest 60% income strata got the biggest percentage…
Monthly Integrated Survey of Selected Industries : March 2001


Value of production of the manufacturing industry in March 2001 moved up by 8.1 percent compared to year ago figures according to the preliminary results of the Monthly Integrated Survey of Selected Industries (MISSI).
Summary Report Of The External Trade Performance For : March 2001


Total external trade in goods for January to March 2001 amounted to $15.831 billion or 4.0 percent lower than $16.483 billion in the first quarter of year 2000. Bill for foreign-made merchandise dropped by 7.7 percent to $7.267 billion from $7.876…


Measured from a year ago, the national inflation rate continued to slow down to 4.4 percent in February from 5.0 percent in January and 5.2 percent last December.


Measured from a year ago, the national inflation rate slowed down to 5.0 percent in January 1997 from 5.2 percent in December 1996.


Measured from a year ago, the national inflation rate moved up to 5.1 percent in December from 4.5 percent in November. This brings the average inflation rate for 1996 to 8.4 percent, as compared to the 8.1 percent recorded in 1995.
Summary Inflation Report Consumer Price Index (1994=100) : April 2001


Year-on-year, the general level of prices went up by 6.7 percent in April 2001, similar to the growth in March. Inflation a year ago was 3.7 percent.
Merchandise Export Performance : March 2001


Receipts from merchandise exports for January to March 2001 decreased by 0.5 percent to $ 8.562 billion from $ 8.607 billion a year ago. Aggregate receipt for March 2001 from merchandise exports declined by 4.0 percent to $2.868 billion from $2.989…