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External Trade Performance : March 2000


Total trade in goods from January to March 2000 amounted to $16.483 billion which was higher by 8.7 percent over $15.165 billion last year. Imports for the first quarter of the year rose by 7.7 percent to $7.876 billion from $7.313 billion in 1999.…
Children's basic right to a name and a nationality upheld


Data on marriages presented in this release were obtained from the second copy of the marriage certificates that were registered at the Office of the City/Municipal Civil Registrars all throughout the country and forwarded to the National Statistics…
Summary Inflation Report Consumer Price Index (1994=100) : April 2000


Year-on-year inflation rate rose to 3.7 percent in April, the highest so far for the year, from 3.3 percent in March. Inflation rate a year ago was 7.9 percent.
Merchandise Export Performance : March 2000


Aggregate merchandise exports for January to March 2000 increased by 9.6 percent to $8.607 billion from $7.852 billion a year ago. Receipts from merchandise exports for March 2000 grew by 10.6 percent to $2.988 billion from $2.702 billion a year…
Monthly Integrated Survey of Selected Industries : February 2000


Manufacturing Output Still in Uptrend Production in manufacturing industry, as measured by the value of production index (VaPI) and volume of production index (VoPI), went up by 16.7 percent and 6.8 percent, respectively according to the…
External Trade Performance : February 2000


Total trade in goods for the first two months of the year amounted to $10.753 billion or 9.6 percent higher than $9.807 billion last year. Demand for foreign-made merchandise picked up as payments rose by 10.2 percent to $5.134 billion from $4.656…
Summary Inflation Report Consumer Price Index (1994=100) : March 2000


Year-on-year inflation rate picked up to 3.3 percent in March from 3.0 percent in February. Inflation rate a year ago was 8.7 percent.
Merchandise Export Performance : February 2000


Merchandise exports for the first two months of 2000 increased by 9.1 percent to $5.619 billion from $5.150 billion in 1999.Aggregate receipts for February 2000 from merchandise exports grew by 13.0 percent to $2.902 billion from $2.569 billion a…
Monthly Integrated Survey of Selected Industries : January 2000


Production Up in January 2000 The value and volume of production in manufacturing for January 2000 registered year-on-year growths of 16.7 percent and 11.6 percent, respectively according to the preliminary results of the Monthly Integrated…
External Trade Performance : January 2000


Total trade in goods between the Philippines and the rest of the world went up by 7.8 percent to $5.368 billion in January 2000 from $4.979 billion a year ago. Merchandise exports increased by 5.3 percent to $2.717 billion from $2.581 billion in…